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Xbox and PS3


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what exactly makes Xbox and supposedly PS3 so much Greater then PC, why does the Xbox gets all the Praise when on PC you can do so much more like Modding and Patching a Game Faster.


How has it come to be that the Xbox stands Higher then the PC and the PS3


I mean lets say a Game Company makes a PC Game and they are practically ready for Release, must they put the PC aside to put all the Data onto the Xbox and PS3 (Well these days its Xbox while Porting the Game to PS3 and PC then calling it an Official PC and PS3 Game witch is a Lie)


Ive seen Games being released on all Platforms where sometimes a DLC would be Xbox Exclusive, now thats bad sportsmanship for other players on PC and PS3

Edited by daventry
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I think a large part of it is due to evolving technologies. It's easier and less expensive to make games based on technology that cannot change. The technology inside each the XB1 and PS4 will never change. You can't upgrade anything. That means that everyone's console is the same, and any game created for them will function identically on every single console. Everyone will have the same experience. For the PC, you don't have to look any further than the Nexus here to see how things can be different. We have a thread that lists the supported graphics chips and the like, because there are far more options. And just because a game works well on one graphics card doesn't mean it will work as well on another. Some machines have higher processing power than others, so you have to pick a mid-range processor and design around it in order to satisfy the most players.


This is why the argument that consoles limit the potential of gaming is only so true. While a new gaming computer assembled today would likely be far and away a superior machine when compared to either the XB1 or PS4, not everyone has the knowledge or income to do so. That's why PC games have a "Recommended" and "Required" system setups on the back - you only need the Required to run the game, but if you want to see it as it was advertised than you want the Recommended specs or better.

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Consoles are for people who just want to play a game - and not have to worry about the technical stuff.


PC is for people who want to play with the game - add things, make adjustments and tweaks. And for creating mods. Plus, I use my PC for much more than games. At one time, I ran a business on it, I write, I still use it to submit expense reports and service reports to my employer. For emailing customers, friends and family. I have a home security and 8 camera video system hooked up, and a home automation system that allows me to program my lights, heat, air, and other things. The newer consoles can get on the internet and be used for browsing and even to play videos - But I could do that on my PC long ago. I also have dual monitors - and can send the video to my big screen TV ( 3rd monitor) I could hook up a video game controller if I choose - or a flight sim joystick & throttle. Or a driving/racing sim steering wheel and pedals - or all of the above and more. I cam redefine the entire keyboard and mouse. My mouse has a few non stock features that I added to it. I also have more than one operating system and will probably add the Steam OS as a third operating system. If I do have a serious problem, I can simply replace my boot disk and restore from a backup. And I am currently looking at possibly replacing my year old video card with a better one. Oh, yeah, I can play games in high resolution too. Tell me again why I would want a console?


What I do is not for everyone - but just playing the game is not what I do. :cool:

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Money rules!

The members of borders of biggest top game houses is not gamers, they are cynical business drilled guys with the only interest to make money as much as possible.

Consoles make the most money, so there will focus be, because that what they been told and believe anything else for these guys is a closed case.


Consoles have always had the issue that one year after release both NVIDIA and AMD/ATI released GPU cards that are much better. The lifetime for a console are for years. So after some years a game MADE for PC would have awesome graphics compared to stripped down versions for console.


Problem is that most game companies make their game after the weakest console they will release their game for, and just convert it for PC for some bucks extra.

So a gamer with a good PC rig that can run circles around any console will be stuck with the same dumbed down graphics that a console can master.


You mention only Microsoft and Sony consoles. There is a new totally untested player on the console market and that is Valve with SteamOS. They both aim at creating an own console and an "open" version for people to install on what ever PC at least it has drivers needed for the hardware to run SteamOS.

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There are many reasons.


The two largest are:

1. Console hardware doesn't change. Developers have an easier time making console games because they don't have to worry about new video cards and such.

2. Microsoft pays game developers a *lot* of money to get exclusive or early DLC on the 360.

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Piracy doesn't help, it does exist on consoles but it's not as rampant as it is on the PC. There's also a chance that they can get people to buy the game twice, release on console first, wait a bit and then release on the PC in the hope that some of those who brought the console version will shell out a second time for the superior PC version. A lot of us would have brought GTA5 for a console, when the PC version comes out many of us will shell out for that as well.

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Consoles are cheaper too. I mean $400 for that tech is great. You aren't building a system for that little And getting that much.


Space is another thing. Everyone already has a TV and consoles don't take up much space. And if you need to store it, It only uses two wires. PCs on the other hand usually require much more space. Usually a desk and chair with monitor keyboard and mouse speakers and/or headphones. You cant just pick them up and store them as they are heavier and usually use more cables. It'd be more of a hassle.


So for someone just looking just for gaming its perfect. For parents who buy it for their kids, it doesn't require lots of room in the living room or the kids room, it's a much cheaper investment, easier to take away (grounding). Or if you live in an apartment or dorm, it takes up virtually no room compared to a PC.

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Another thing compared to PC is support time needed. Windows always get patches and updates, have you any Adobe products or Java and not to mention an Antivirus program you have to click on a lot of popups to keep the machine updated.


With a console that is close to zero. Hit start button, put in the game and you are playing already.


On the other hand you can't do anything else with a console like you can with a PC.


Simplicity or complexity, most would choose the easy way even if it mean some lower graphics.

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Another thing compared to PC is support time needed. Windows always get patches and updates, have you any Adobe products or Java and not to mention an Antivirus program you have to click on a lot of popups to keep the machine updated.


With a console that is close to zero. Hit start button, put in the game and you are playing already.


On the other hand you can't do anything else with a console like you can with a PC.


Simplicity or complexity, most would choose the easy way even if it mean some lower graphics.


That doesn't apply to the PS3 which seems to constantly update, they're fighting pirates with the constant updates leaving proper users with update after update, it wouldn't be so bad if it didn't take so long.

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i gotta say, PS3 and 4 both have outstanding graphics. to the masses not used to playing a game on Ultra on a PC, they might not even notice a difference. thats even more so when you consider the fact that not every PC can play the latest game on Ultra at 60fps. so for the majority of people, CoD or BF4 or GTA5 is going to look exactly the same on console as it would a PC.

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