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Will social progressivim become the new domestic terorism


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I've been looking at the attitudes and actions for the last few years and have seen a drastic change in the way social dialog. It seems that those who retain the antiquated ideals of issues, such as gay rights,imigration and the like have recieved with viceral hatred and I wanted to know your opinions on wither this was anger from the fear that these groups statuses could posibly revert back to the way they once were or an expression of revenge for those who bring back images of past intolerance.


I wonder if advocates who are so intolerant of those who support antiquated ideals will overplay their hand? Will they push back so agressivly they will be seen as being as crazy as those who stand in the oposition?

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Your Question Just described man kind in whole, for 2000 + years, it has always been this way. Eventually, man will grow up.

Thank you for your response, but, to me it seems this is more a train driven by those with the desire to be needed more than those they claim to champion. If that is so does the issue matter or is it the fact that these people or groups of people have found one?


Does the people whose lives are dirrectly effected by these advocates actions important to or are they just faceless individuals these the advocates utilize to give their own lives meaning?

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in whole or part, "MONEY" drives it all so, there is nothing there but faceless champions.

If Food was all there was to trade, this would be a totally different world.

Those that believe in hope in these advocates you may think are there for us, are just as much to blame for those advocates for being there in the first place. we put them there .again, why? again, money, wealth, power, and the will to stand on the backs of the poor and the skill to hide it all. It never has changed.

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From where I am sitting, it appears that the minority groups are asserting themselves far more of late, than they have in the past. Various issues are now more openly brought up for discussion. The only trouble is, if your opinion isn't in line with what these minority groups think they should be, you are a hater, a bigot, "stuck in the past", etc. They tend to respond to anyone with a different opinion than theirs with bile and anger. Personally, I find it abhorrent. Now, it has become a contest of who has more 'rights'. Seems that if your religion dictates that you shouldn't support some activity that whatever minority group thinks you should, it immediately becomes 'discrimination', and the lawsuits start flying. What's even worse is, our government sides with the minority, against the religious.


Personally, I think a serious economic collapse, or major world war, would be doing us a FAVOR. Things would change dramatically, it would be important issues that were being talked about, not the fluff we see today.

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The issue I see is that specialized groups have formed with only a handful of individuals who claim to speak for certain groups that you never hear either way, about if these groups represent more than those within their membership. There is no evidence that theser groups have any backing at all from the community they claim to represent, but the actions of these small groups reflect against the whole of their respective community.


What I worry about is if these vocal groups will become so intolerant and so vicious that the gains of the respective groups will be eradicated by a public backlash, when people get tired of the strong arm tactics of these small groups.


The community as a whole, I think should monitor and police up the actions of these groups, which they think are over the top. I support, fully the rights of those whose actions don't cause injury to those around them. Concenting adults should be given the right to excel and obtain any status that those within society enjoy. That includes marrage and family life, but I also believe that equal is equal and no one is more equal than anyone else.


Nothing special should be granted to those deemed to have been opressed since this, I think is not justice but revenge and getting revenge on those who weren't in the position to oppress anyone during the time that this oppression occuredwill do nothing but raise tensions and most likely create more prejudism and hatred, than eliminate them.


I often think these advocasy groups reveal more in fighting the struggle they see around them that promoting anything or anyone at all and end the end degrading everything to the level of a drunken brawlbetween partisan hacks.


This, I think is the only way they think they can remain relivant, since society, as a whole are slowly excepting and assimulating previously ostricized groups at an excellerated pace. The old arguements of dyed in the wool conservatives and self proclaim, so-called moralist groups are dicipating into the cloud of flagelance they were conceived in and society is again deminstrating the evolution that is incomprehencible to some on the far right.

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The ideologues don't scare me nearly so much as corporate america pretty much owning our government. With the advent of contribution limits being removed for many types of campaigns..... the supreme court has just handed the 1% the keys to the kingdom. Not to mention the deed.....

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The ideologues don't scare me nearly so much as corporate america pretty much owning our government. With the advent of contribution limits being removed for many types of campaigns..... the supreme court has just handed the 1% the keys to the kingdom. Not to mention the deed.....

I understand your point, but in order to correct a corrupt system we would have to tare the entire thing down and replace it with something. The only thing is that wealth is the universal lubricant to those who lack a conscience and no matter how we configure a social and political system, these unscrupulous individuals will find an openning. It's just a matter of time.


I would rather concentrate on those things that can be changed by the majority of people here who doesn't see fairness as an exclusive right of one party or the other.

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