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Tracking Centre not working: Am I alone ?


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When I download large files, my tracking centre (and download history, I think) shows no change...


e;g;: I dled Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul N times since the shown date (Ok, I am maybe a little bit obsessive: i dled it three times to be sure it did not register...)



Sorry if it has already been asked... I am very bad at forum search (and french, on top of that: apologizing...) :wink:

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While it may not be related to the issue your asking about, there is some lag in the updates of the stats across all the sites. I'm not sure what the frequency is. Dark0ne said something about this in one of his News/Blog posts when responding to the question of why "Unique D/Ls" and "Total D/Ls" seemed to be out-of-sync sometimes.

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Related to the tracking centre, but not the exact same issue I think...


I am not getting alerts for every mod I track that is updated. It is *very* hit and miss right now. I might get a notifcation for a mod or two, but when I go into the tracking centre properly and look through the list I find I've not been notified of a great many updates. Most recent example is the latest RaceMenu update (2.8.6). This never showed in the notification area, but when I went into the tracking centre it was 2 on the list (dated today, 15th July).


Also happened with Expanded Towns and Cities (update on 12th July), Civil War Overhaul (14th July), and Dragon Combat Overhaul (12th July). This is not even close to an exhaustive recent list. I am 100% confident in saying I never received a notification alert on any page on the nexus for these mods in the last few days.

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Looking at my own tracked files, I see I've missed a few updates as well. Some are betas or optional files, but some aren't (such as Extensible Follower Framework and Realistic Nights).


A list of recent updates I missed (possibly incomplete):

Storefront (main file) (installed)

RaceMenu (main file) (installed)

Realistic Nights (main file) (installed)

Point the Way (main file) (never downloaded mod; just tracking)

Civil War Overhaul (alpha of new version [v4]) (normal version installed)

Extensible Follower Framework (beta of new version [4.0.0]) (normal version installed)

Dragon Combat Overhaul (alpha of new version [v 11]) (normal version installed in MO, but not active)

Passion Never Dies (optional file for Dual Sheath) (never downloaded mod; just tracking)

Unique Character - Player Races (beta version [1.0, possibly misnumbered]) (never downloaded mod; just tracking)

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Happened a few more times, but most recently this morning with Alternate Start - Live Another Life being updated with no notification alert - although with it showing on the notification menu.

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I log on several times a day and I thought that none of the mods I was tracking had been updated in a while due to no notifications. It was only when I checked that I discovered well over 20 different mods had been updated in the last two weeks. I double-checked my site settings and I have enabled notifications for mods I am tracking, so something is definitely not working somewhere.

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Yeah, I check the site several times a day too and have this issue every day with several mods. I'm surprised there're not more people complaining - unless it's maybe a user account problem?


It's a pretty big deal IMO.

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