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What will 2060 be like?


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You have the backbone to grasp the mantle, right?

Cool - cos I need a name when I have to wobble across the steppe with a war club in my hands... :tongue:


war club? do you know that radioactive zombies have a resistance bonus against contusion damage, better you have a machete. :whistling:




Well right now most of the Cancer are curable if discovered in an earlier stage, what may happens is better/new treatments for it and even more type of cancers be curable ( about I'm Legend in the 90's some scientist had this idea to use Virus ( not measles but the herpes virus, but as it's too complicate and risk they give up the idea)).


and i believe until the we'll have and vaccine for Aids, and yes probably new diseases happens mainly from Africa and South America where more and more people are moving for what is forest.

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I wonder what it will be like for near-centenarians then, as that is the age that I'll be by then. So I hope for turbo charged wheelchairs to help me escape from these nasty zombies.
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Nobody here has an accurate answer! :D

I'll tell you after I get finished building my time machine. But.. If I go to the future and return, then by traveling back from the future I will from that point forward be altering the chain of events that made the future I saw happen, so it's very likely the future that will unfold after I tell my tale will be different from the one I saw. Oh yeah, and there will be two of me. I can just imagine the knock on the door. "Hey Turpin! it's me, you! It worked! Here's your time machine." And then I'd be like, "Excellent! Now I don't have to build it!" [Air guitar] "Um, why does it look like a phone booth?"


On a serious note: The politics and habits of today are deciding all of our fates and the fates of everything we say we care about. Determine very carefully what you care about in the coming events. Factor in how those habits when adopted by others would affect us all. And be very careful who you trust and why.

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I'm fairly certain Issac Newton "The deadliest S.O.B in SPACE!" predicted the world would end in 2060, although [citation needed] :ermm:

So another apocalypse ok ok... did 2060 have already full all the forms? you know all the required documents to act an Armageddon.

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Our lives will be normal like today

Our families will be normal but you will be older of course

We will travel normally but I can see train traveling come to a end since people will just fly

Like any new decade theres new music


Maybe a new sport but it would be the same

Gaming in a room (Like in Star Trek)

No slavery worldwide

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We have wiped out many desease, and will be so many so we got to have child quotas. Those will be sold illegally at high prices. Only those above middle class can have children.

And yes, I will celebrate my 103 years birthday, but not with 2 chicks @MHM, my wife will then be 104 years, and we will celebrate our 85 wedding anniversary :tongue:

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Surely I will be 84 years old watching the enhance hologram version of the Star Wars with my grandchildren inside our living room, while waiting for the pizza delivery from a fast flying droids/AI robots.

And thanks to Macrosoft Global Program, since I dont have to fear the lost of memory, for a direct link data insertion in my hypothalamus for any memory and data I want to retrieve. My grandchildren don't have to go to school for they can have schooling while asleep - their moms can just insert any school program she wishes in their brain interface while they are asleep.

Thanks to Medical Advancements: getting old is not a problem anymore, all bodily functions including involuntary systems can be raplace as long as the brain is active. Brain activity and brain cell degradations is not even a problem - thanks to Advance Nano Brain Enhancement Program, where brain cell are artificially reproduce and enhance a million times over.

You can prolong life as long as you want it. All you have to do, is to decide for yourself WHEN you really want to die.

Food shortage is not a problem: thanks to Advance Nano Bacteria, which can reproduce food a million times the ordinary process. Plants and trees are no longer growing for months and years. They can be grown even just for a day, depending on the Nano Enhancer Program implanted on them. Animals too grow and reproduced hundred times faster than their ordinary growth scale.

And the coolest among them all - we can already talk telepahtically. (no words needed - only brain waves).

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