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Help with chargenmorph file! (Mac)


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(note: TLDR at bottom. :confused: )

Hey everyone,

I wasn't really sure to post this, so move it as necessary. So... here's my situation: I'm playing DA:O ultimate edition on my Mac, and after playing for a while, I find myself disliking the look of my character. So of course I turn to nexus to find a mod to let me change that. Being that I'm on a Mac, this turned out to be quite the nightmare. I found "Change Your Hero Hair and Face Anywhere in the Game" by Sir A. I can run this using Wine, no issue. However, I need to create a new character to do that and every time I finish with the character creator, it crashes. I was using "ChagenMorph Compilation Stuff by Enitari (with ALL required mods) because I cannot use the chargenmorph compiler (Mac). So, I had cleared out my override mods (minus the cc ones) and disabled all of my dlc using mod wrangler and still had the problem. Well from here I decided to manually combine the chargen files for just three of the mods I want: "Pineappletree's Vibrant Colors", CC Extra Tints and Tones", and "Tucked Hair". Unfortunately, after doing so (using Chocolat and TextEdit), the XML file wouldn't properly read and I was left with nonworking sliders in the CC. I even tried using the toolkit through Wine, but it couldn't find my DA install. I'm at my wits end here and have done everything I can think of. So I think maybe it's just that I'm trying to write the chargen file on a Mac. I'll upload it here if you want to take a look. Maybe I just made a mistake in it. If anyone could help, I'd really appreciate it.

TLDR: Please help write me a chargenmorph file for "Pineappletree's Vibrant Colors", CC Extra Tints and Tones", and "Tucked Hair", or fix the one I uploaded. I want to change my character's face, but the CC keeps crashing.

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Oh no you don't, Marine! You can't post this kind of plea for help, then just post [sOLVED] without describing how.


Others with the same issue are googling for the problem and the word "solved".

For those folk to get a link to your post as-is, is incredibly frustrating! :laugh:


Please explain what you did. Think of your Karma. Thx!

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The problem with your chargenmorphfile was that some entries were wrong.


Your chargenline: <resource name="HM_CPS_P01.mop"></resource>

But it should be: <resource name="HM_CPS_P01.mop">



For all who can't get the compiler to work or don't want to use it - You can always edit the chargenmorphfile by yourself!

Here an example how to edit your chargenmorphfile for hairstyles you want to have in your Character Creator


Open the chargenmorphfile with the notepad/ editor and you will see something like that:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Thats the section "heads": Here you will find all entries for the original presets entries.
.. and here are of course the presets entries only for human males.

So, now when you are scrolling down, you will find the entries for the hair. It should look like that:

<resource name="hm_har_blda_0" cut="0234"/>
<resource name="hm_har_ha1a_0" cut="1"/>
<resource name="hm_har_ha2a_0" cut="1"/>
<resource name="hm_har_ha3a_0" cut="1"/>
<resource name="hm_har_hb1a_0" cut="1"/>
<resource name="hm_har_hb2a_0" cut="1"/>
<resource name="hm_har_hb3a_0" cut="1"/>
<resource name="hm_har_hb4a_0" cut="1"/>
<resource name="hm_har_hc1a_0" cut="1"/>

You will find these entries for every race and gender.
Now you have just to copy the entries from the chargenmorphfile of your new hairstyles.


Paste it in your chargenmorphfile under the correct sections. That means female elf hairstyle entries under the hair section for the female elves and so on. ..

You can do this of course for skins, tints etc... You have just to be careful not to make a spelling error! That's all... First it's maybe a bit inconvenient and the chargenmorphfile compiler is of course faster and easy to use but that's the way if you can't get the compiler to work.


I'm editing since I'm playing Dragone Age my chargen for all stuff this way and I had never probems. :)

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