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Long War for Mac OS/X - pointers / advice?


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Cool. I'm afraid anything further is beyond my expertise - I've only found out about LW today, can't really tell whether things are working as expected. I saw the mission started with 6 people and that they had funny grenades, and figured it's enough for a start.


Happy to provide more information if you have specific questions.

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Ok, so following Anderken's instructions above, I was able to seemingly install the mod successfully. However, I am noticing some odd things which make me suspect I've missed a step somewhere.


1. When I launch the game I'll occasionally get a crash (stack trace seems to indicate a double free()). Relaunching it always seems to be successful.


2. I have a "long war" button on the bottom of the screen, but the options look like vanilla EW ones. I don't see the options for "cinematic mode" or "not so long war" for example, and the normal difficulty options are in place, including Beginner.


3. I've seen a graphical glitch a few times now where a red, green, or blue overlay seems to get detached from the main screen. It's a little hard to describe but it makes the game pretty unplayable. Screenshot here:




I found by accident that toggling fullscreen on and off seems to resolve this, at least for a while.


4. In my first mission, my soldiers are wielding "EXALT Assault rifles."


5. I'm seeing a few messages "NOT USED ANYMORE: so-and-so has entered close combat" during combat (during the enemy turn). Not sure if that's just a beta 13 thing. I was last playing on Windows in beta 12.


1. Not any immediate insights on what that could be.


2. It seems as though the localization files aren't getting properly updated.


On the Windows version there are two different versions of the config/localization files. The ones we modify are labeled e.g. "XComStrategyGame.int" and are located in the folder .. / Localization / INT relative to the EW CookedPC Console folder with the package files. However, UE 3 supports DLC/mods (the latter more or less dependent on the developer releasing enough material to allow modder to hook in) that go in separate subfolders have have their own additional info to be added to the config/localization files. Since under Windows the games are often located under Program Files which is locked by the OS, on launch the game creates a merged version of the base game + DLC packages in the My Games folder. For some reason that we don't understand, some Long War Windows users installs don't properly update these merged localization/config files, requiring that the files in the My Games folder be deleted -- they are recreated the next time the game is started. How this is handled on OSX I'm not sure.


Another possibility is that there is an issue with case sensitivity, like under Linux. On Windows the filenames are all CamelCase, but the OS ignores case. Under Linux the filenames are all lowercase, and the OS is case sensitive. If the localization files aren't found there are default values for most vanilla objects embedded within the package files themselves.


3. This seems like some sort of issue with the GFX movie player, as it's only the UI elements that seem to be glitching. We have modded the UIFlag Flash actionscript/sprites in order to enable up to 60 health bars and to add the overwatch icon, but we haven't made any changes to any of the other glitching elements (that pathing outling, ability container, unit info). We've also modded the weapon panel images to allow us to add new images for new weapons, but that doesn't appear to be glitching in your example screenshot.


4. This is related to issue 2, the localization issues. We made the starting ballistic weapons based on the vanilla EXALT models (so that EXALT also starts out with tech tier 1 weapons). The vanilla XCOM ballistic weapon models are used for tech tier 3 Gauss weapons.


5. There is some vestigial vanilla code related to close combat, but we haven't enabled it -- it's not showing up on the Windows version of Long War beta 13.

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Thanks for the detailed replies, Ameneri. I'll play around with this a little more when I get some more free time and post my results.


I got distracted, meanwhile, by banging out a python script to apply the mod to an installation of XCom on the Mac. It's not finished yet, but it already is able to extract all the files from the inno installer, figure out what's there, and make a backup of the original files that the user is about to overwrite.


I don't think it should be too hard to add the executable patching in there as well, and I'm planning to make it easy to back out the mod from the backups as well, which should be helpful for testing. Right now it's only for OS/X and EW, but it shouldn't be too hard to get it working for Linux as well if need be.


Anyways, as I say it's not working yet, but I'll keep hacking on it. The source is available here if anyone is curious. Pull requests welcome, etc.



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Can't test it right now, but:


On the Windows version there are two different versions of the config/localization files. The ones we modify are labeled e.g. "XComStrategyGame.int" and are located in the folder .. / Localization / INT relative to the EW CookedPC Console folder with the package files. However, UE 3 supports DLC/mods (the latter more or less dependent on the developer releasing enough material to allow modder to hook in) that go in separate subfolders have have their own additional info to be added to the config/localization files. Since under Windows the games are often located under Program Files which is locked by the OS, on launch the game creates a merged version of the base game + DLC packages in the My Games folder. For some reason that we don't understand, some Long War Windows users installs don't properly update these merged localization/config files, requiring that the files in the My Games folder be deleted -- they are recreated the next time the game is started. How this is handled on OSX I'm not sure.




That will probably be under ~/Library/Application Support/. `find ~/Library/Application\ Support -name '*XCom*'` should find anything xcom-related. Moving those out of the way might help.


If that fails, perhaps running xcom under `drtuss -f -t open` to list all the files it opens will give some useful hints.

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On the Windows version there are two different versions of the config/localization files. The ones we modify are labeled e.g. "XComStrategyGame.int" and are located in the folder .. / Localization / INT relative to the EW CookedPC Console folder with the package files. However, UE 3 supports DLC/mods (the latter more or less dependent on the developer releasing enough material to allow modder to hook in) that go in separate subfolders have have their own additional info to be added to the config/localization files. Since under Windows the games are often located under Program Files which is locked by the OS, on launch the game creates a merged version of the base game + DLC packages in the My Games folder. For some reason that we don't understand, some Long War Windows users installs don't properly update these merged localization/config files, requiring that the files in the My Games folder be deleted -- they are recreated the next time the game is started. How this is handled on OSX I'm not sure.


This doesn't appear to be the case any more with EW ... the language files don't appear in the My Games subfolders as they did with EU, so more likely the issue is the localization files weren't copied correctly into the INT folder, or the player is playing with another language.

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A-ha! The mac localization files live in '~Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/XCom-Enemy-Unknown/XCOM Enemy Unknown.app/Contents/Resources/MacOverrides/XEW'


Putting the .int files there resolves the language issue. I noticed the game does occasionally crash when starting though ;/


Please verify this, because I did a couple things at the same time between two tests, and it might have been one of the other attempts that actually fixed it. This makes most sense though!

Edited by Anderkent
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A-ha! The mac localization files live in '~Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/XCom-Enemy-Unknown/XCOM Enemy Unknown.app/Contents/Resources/MacOverrides/XEW'


Putting the .int files there resolves the language issue. I noticed the game does occasionally crash when starting though ;/


Please verify this, because I did a couple things at the same time between two tests, and it might have been one of the other attempts that actually fixed it. This makes most sense though!


Fantastic - good sleuthing! I will try to verify this later tonight and report back.


About the crashing thing, I did see something in the README about a known crash which is supposed to occur after the first time you install the mod (right at startup) and I've seen that. I haven't seen many CTD's in game though, yet. I'll be curious if you see the same graphical glitches I've been seeing.

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If I ever get the time to actually play, I might start having those :tongue:


I did notice some errors in the logs though:

Error: Error, ImportText (SoldierPerkTrees): Missing closing parenthesis: (SoldierType=12,    Squaddie=0,   Corporal1=ePerk_CoveringFire,  Sergeant1=ePerk_SmokeBomb,      Lieutenant1=ePerk_Opportunist,      Captain1=ePerk_RifleSuppression_DEPRECATED,    Major=ePerk_DangerZone,       Colonel1=ePerk_ExtraConditioning    }   )^
32 [0025.10] DevOnline: TitleFile XComGameCore.ini Download Failed^M
 31 [0026.48] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'GRI'^M
 30   XComShellPresentationLayer XComShell.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.XComShellPresentationLayer_0^M
 29   Function XComGame.XComPresentationLayerBase:ISCONTROLLED:0043^M
 28 [0026.48] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'GRI'^M
 27   XComShellPresentationLayer XComShell.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.XComShellPresentationLayer_0^M
 26   Function XComGame.XComPresentationLayerBase:ISCONTROLLED:0043^M
 25 [0029.38] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'GRI'^M
 24   XComShellPresentationLayer XComShell.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.XComShellPresentationLayer_0^M
 23   Function XComGame.XComPresentationLayerBase:ISCONTROLLED:0043^M
 22 [0029.38] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'GRI'^M
 21   XComShellPresentationLayer XComShell.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.XComShellPresentationLayer_0^M
 20   Function XComGame.XComPresentationLayerBase:ISCONTROLLED:0043^M
 19 [0030.42] ScriptWarning: Accessed array 'UIGameplayToggles_1.CheckboxIndexToGameplayOptionMap' out of bounds (0/0)^M
 18   UIGameplayToggles XComShell.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.UIGameplayToggles_1^M
 17   Function XComGame.UIGameplayToggles:RefreshDescInfo:00B3^M
 16 [0035.15] Log: All Windows Closed^M
 15 [0035.15] Log: appRequestExit(0)^M
 14 [0035.16] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'AccessControl'^M
 13   XComShell XComShell.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.XComShell_0^M
 12   Function Engine.GameInfo:PreExit:000A^M
 11 [0035.17] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'GameViewport'^M
 10   UIFinalShell XComShell.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.UIFinalShell_0^M
  9   Function XComUIShell.UIShell:OnCleanupWorld:0049^

I wonder if windows installs get similar things? If not, this might be related.


(haven't tried running without the mod and seeing if the messages are still there, though)

Edited by Anderkent
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