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judging by the size of this issue, I would personally assume it's small and fast to fix. But as I know nothing (At all) about modding, that remains nothing more than an assumption and a guess. Either way;

When you're a vampire, and you step outside during a sunny day, or when you fast travel to some location that's outside on a sunny day, etc. This sharp sound plays, and your screen turns EXTRA bright, for just a brief moment. You've noticed this, yes? Kind of like a warning, and at the same time it announces the danger in the top left corner.

I would adore a mod that just takes that effect away. That sharp warning sound, and that the screen tuns extra bright for a second.

And if possible, It'd be amazing if it was compatible with "Better vampires" and "Belua Sanguinare" I don't know why it wouldn't be, but again; I know nothing of modding.

Thanks in advance!

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