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The search for 'Great House of Dagoth'


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Hello everybody,

recently, after removing Skyrim from my PC, I have decided to return to my favourite TES-game so far: Morrowind.
However, imagine my surprise, when I have discovered, that planet elderscrolls has drifted into nonexistence while I wasn't looking, and now I am in dire need of a very specific Mod.

The Great House of Dagoth.

Sadly, Google hasn't been much of an help in finding it, every trace I am discovering leads me back to an dysfunctional link to the original planet elderscrolls site.

So, I've thought I might try enquiring if anybody in this famously fine forum could offer me some help in finding this paticular mod, this white whale of mine, for I am out of luck it seems.

Till then, I am eagerly awaiting amounts of answers.

Many thanks in advance.

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Oh my god, it's full of stars...

incredible, thank you very much.
Although, I don't understand how google didn't lead me to this wonderful site, seeing that I have searched for plenty of the mods hosted there.

Nevertheless, on my behalf and the behalf of every Citizen of Morrowind I will horrible murder in the course of the next... oh, weeks, months, I don't really know... I thank you from the deepest bottom of my dark and terribly disturbed heart.

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You're welcome. In answer to why Google didn't find it, I believe I saw somewhere on that site that they use the "robots.txt" exclusion standard to prevent search engines from caching their content for some reason.

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