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we interrupt this forum to present you a PSA of apocalyptic proportions.


Dear blasphemous heathens people of an opposing view who dare challenge my claim to lord of the lounge. It has come to my attention that not all of you wish to have me as your leader again. I have a very persuasive case on this matter, if you take a moment to read it.


1. I started the lord of the lounge wars with my ORIGINAL claim to the throne and have since loaned it out for the duration of my hiatus. It is only right that I get it back.


2. My newest moniker (Lord Panzi) as some of you may know me as, has LORD in the name. that automatically grants me any and all lounge lord status, including the ability to deny other lords their status.


3. my lounge my rules


4. do any of you even praise the sun? (my good man paggy is exempt from that statement)


5. Dark0ne actually made me lord of the lounge (in private, on a wednesday, with a moonstone while holding the gameboy upside down and backwards)


so in conclusion, lay down your weapons or I will praise the sun on your graves.


that is all, your regularly scheduled forum posts will continue on as scheduled.

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