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at least now I know that the mods/admins do read this forum .. Just deleting posts doesn't make the issues go away, tho.



This is because I' m moving Stephanie01a's files elsewhere. Since the login issues obviously cannot be easily fixed and she cannot log in to upload new versions of the files, there's no good reason to keep them here.


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here's what happens when she tries to log in:




The site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below...

You have entered an incorrect username or password.

Reporting this error

If you believe this error is due to a bug on the site then please use our bugtracker (http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/tracker/project-8-nexus-network-website/) to report it.

Please attach the following link to the bug description:


Sorry for the inconvenience!

(sorry doesn't work. you should fix it and let everyone know it's fixed.)

Edited by michelleb
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why can't the mods just acknowledge this is a real issue and fix it. I dont think it will magically 'go away' by just deleting posts.


(from the 'sticky' thread)


"I'm going to close this thread as it was written 7 years ago to deal with code that hasn't existed for 5 years. We'll leave it stickied so people can try the steps listed in the OP but if you're having login issues now you should create a new thread, or use an existing, relevant, RECENT thread to explain your situation."

Edited by michelleb
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I have no idea what this is about. Some background info would have been helpful.


As far as I understand it, you have a friend who cannot login and is getting an incorrect username/password error.


What steps have been taken to rectify the issue? Can s/he log in to the forums? Can/has s/he reset her password, does it work then?

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  • 2 weeks later...

an email sent to her would have been nice ...

I'm sure this is going to be way too late and I'll be banned for even resurrecting this issue, so here we go ...




I have no idea what this is about. Some background info would have been helpful.

I thought that's why you have a 'bug tracker'. I guess not. sorry.


What steps have been taken to rectify the issue?

As far as I know, password reset has been attempted several times. tried to contact an admin several times. posts were added to the topics involved. the posts were deleted by one of your moterators. user michelleb was finally banned by the same moderator, I thought for making posts about the issue.



The site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below...

You have entered an incorrect username or password.

Reporting this error

If you believe this error is due to a bug on the site then please use our bugtracker (http://forums.nexusm...etwork-website/) to report it.

Please attach the following link to the bug description:


Sorry for the inconvenience!



Can s/he log in to the forums?



Can/has s/he reset her password, does it work then?

several times. never works. apparently, the password reset is broken or is somehow locking her out.

Edited by steffy1
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