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Posting links here?


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sorry, I'm quite a newcomer on this forum here but just to ask, is it possible to post links on this forum? I've seen it been done by many posters yet I somehow cant figure it out. Copy and paste (Ctrl+v) doesn't seem to work in the type box so how am I supposed to post website/mod links when I want to?

Do I have to use a special function or something? I'm not too familiar with the BBC code here as well. Some of the buttons here I've tried doesn't do a thing.


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Posting links is actually quite easy.

You either use the BB code meant for it:


[url=http://your.link.here]your link text here[/url]

use the "Link" button from the 2nd icon bar of the post editor to have this done automatically,

or, if I recall correctly, even posting the urls themselves in the editor will automatically turn them into functional links once posted.

That's the WYSIWYG's doing I guess, but I'm more used to typing out all code manually myself anyways.


As for copy&paste not working for you, while it definitely does for others, me for example, or some of the buttons not doing anything when clicked even,

this sounds like a more serious issue on your end rather, which might just as well prevent you from using most of this forum's posting functions until fixed anyways.


So, it might help knowing what is your browser, your operating system, are you using certain script-blocking plugins in your browser for example, or is it your anti virus software doing the website-crippling stuff perhaps?

I can't help you with these things much myself, but having this information laid out for them already others around here certainly will.

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Thanks, I kinda already knew of that BBC code for URL links.


For the copy+paste issue, it looks like it's a browser thing...I think. I notice, the pasting (Ctrl+V) seems to work when I'm using Chrome but only doesn't work when I'm using Internet Explorer, which unfortunately is the default browser I use. Strange. Could it perhaps be a problem with this site itself? I know of some websites don't always optimize for IE.

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