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OMFG Skyrim refuses to use more than 2gb and I hate it


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Hi anyone,


Yes I've read the f'n manuals. Now trying to persuade Skyrim to not crash has consumed my life. I used to have it working. But I re installed. Like an idiot. Now I'm kicking myself, the wife is filing for divorce, and I get to console myself with a few minutes of gaming nirvana before my beloved Skyrim bombs to desktop.

Things I've got?

* Windows 7 64bit
* Radeon 7970M w/ 2gb of that VRAM good stuff.
* 8gb of System RAM
* A crapload of mods
* EnbBoost

* Safely Load

* Cell Stabilizer

* Grey hair

Crapload of mods can be elaborated as?
* Lot of texture mods including the fan-optimised versions of Bethesda's HD packs, Skyrim HD, amidianborn's textures (lovely)
* Immersive armors, weapons.
* The realvision ENB install list.

Why are you posting? Shouldn't you be drinking beer?

I am drinking beer and Skyrim refuses to use more than 2gb of memory? How do I know this? Skyrim Performance Monitor is telling me and it took long enough to get bored of switching mods off and on before I got around to installing that.

This fellow Englishman from STEP on the internet

has Skyrim Performance Monitor running and I notice his dotted green line of death at the top is at the 4gb mark. Mine is at 2gb. Even Skyrim Performance Montior knows Skyrim can only use 2gb! Sure enough when I run my game it runs great. 60fps. Until the main memory usage hits the 2gb (2048 I guess) ceiling. Then the game bombs.

How come this nice man on the internet has 4gb and I only have 2gb? What did I do wrong? My Skyrim is at version I thought Skyrim was batched to use 4gb on 64bit (even though it's dodgy over 3.1gb). No need for any of that EXE editing with CFF Explorer I read about a couple of years back to set LAA flags?

If anyone has any idea what I might have missed please give me a clue because I have none. Nevertheless thank you to everyone on this site for their fantastic mods. Skyrim looks blinkin' amazing for the few seconds it runs before it goes on strike.

Ian Edited by RapBannana
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SMAA is anti-aliasing I believe. Everything I read suggested it was rather good. More performant with better results than my ATI card or Enb. So I went with it. It looks really good actually.


The others are all "stabilization" mods obviously. Which ones do I need? The important ones seemed to be ENBoost and some implementation of sheson's memory patch which you can do either through SKSE or SSME. I disabled in skse.ini and enabled in SSME and the ssme.log says it's working.

TBH I don't really know if the other two - Safely Load and Cell Stabilizer - are helping me? I installed them before I figured the issue was memory related. I'll turn them off and see if it helps matters. Good call. Anything else you can think of let me know. I'm considering sacrificing a chicken :smile:

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Ditched Safely Load. Tested. Crashed.

Here's a screen dump of Skyrim Performance Monitor from a crash I just did a few mins ago. Having just left the Helgen cave completing the intro.


Basically when the crash happened it was setting up all the various scripts. Now I know theoretically any of those mods setting up scripts could be buggy or conflicting. But also you'll see on the graph I get very close to that dotted green line which - I assume - is my memory limit?

Still don't know why the user in the youtube video has his dotted green line at 4gb and mine is at 2? Isn't 2gb the 32bit limit? I'm running Windows 7 64bit? Is there something special I need to install to get the 4gb (3.1gb) limit?


Also, can I ditch Cell Stabilizer or is it actually useful? Thanks for your advice.


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Yes. I have 8gb of RAM and 2gb of VRAM. The graph is from SPM and I kind of figured it was showing Skyrim's limit.



For the sake of experimentation I backed everything up and tried some upgrades.

* enbseries from 254 -> 265

* dropped in the ENBBoost 6 (from here on nexus) enblocal.ini only tweaking to turn on vsync.


And now I have a totally different graph!



This one seems more realistic. VRAM usage has gone through the roof but then I do have a lot of textures installed. Luckily I chose "medium" for some of the resolutions or I'd probably be over the 2gb. It's settling on using about 1.5gb of my 2gb VRAM. Which is okay I guess. System RAM usage has dropped quite a bit and now down to 1gb. It's almost as if the two have swapped over. But anyway. I don't crash straight away now. Which is nice. But still my graph seems to suggest a system RAM usage limit of 2gb instead of 4gb though. But I shouldn't complain. Not crashing straight away is a definite improvement :D


Cheers all.

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The - - - - - - - - - (Dotted Dark Green Line) is the amount of VRAM you have on your GPU , that is the MAX you can ever get to for VRAM, it has nothing to do with the Yellow line as that is System RAM.The Lighter Green Line is how much VRAM you are actually using . IT is completely normal for the Yellow line to go above the Dark green line(your amount of VRAM). EDIT: but if someone has 4 or 6 GB VRAM the yellow line aint goin over that amount...lol


MY Dark green line is at 3 GB as I have 3 GB of VRAM

Edited by camaro_69_327
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  • 3 weeks later...

Skyrim still refuses to use more than 2gb of memory and crashes when it hits the 2gb ceiling.


Regardless of whether that dotted green line is VRAM or not. When RAM (not VRAM, RAM) hits that dotted green line at 2gb Skyrim crashes. Game over. This is after yet another re-install. No amount of re-installing appears to resolve this problem.


Someone must have an idea? :(



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