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Texture clipping after changing clothing to armor


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After a while I have decided to install Dragon Age again but I soon remembered how much standard Origins armor models suck...

So I downloaded a custom armor mod (Kirkwall Exports) in order to get my favourite model from DA2 (Champion Mage) but since I like to play as Arcane Warrior I wanted to change mod provided version to some heavier armor. Everything went semi smoothly as I'm a bit rusty with the toolset up to the point of the grand test - equipping finished armor. At first glance it was OK until I moved and looked more closely - hand is clipping through the glove as well as calfs through boots :


And yes - it is big problem as none screen I can provide truly captures this hideous piece of wardrobe malfuction.

(Basically whole hand is clipping through glove and with every move character legs are half visible)

Is there some character "stance" difference between clothing and armor I don't remember? And how to (if possible) fix it?




Fixed it myself - the armor itself have own version of hands (so another one was getting in way) and legs so I just had to turn them invisible (just grabbed a texture that is dwarf only and sticked it to matching set of massive gloves). It turns out that writing something down and asking for help is way to go - either someone is going to help or you will just rethink problem and find solution yourself :laugh:

Edited by Kruczysko
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