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Role Models....A three-pronged question...


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1- Who are your role models, and, why?

2- What type of people do you think are bad role models ?

3- Do you even need a role model? If so, why?

It's always fascinated me how one person can utterly worship another...not just admire, I mean WORSHIP. So many young people now-a-days worship celebrities......whether they be musicians, actors, professional athletes, ect. It just seems a bit shallow to me. They don't actually know what type of person these people actually are, they just worship them because they excel in one area/talent.

If you are going to hold another flesh and blood human (who puts his/her pants and shoes on one at a time - just like you...who needs the same basic needs to survive - just like you, who has two arms, two legs and basically the same anatomy as you) above others....what is the criteria that they must meet?

I'll never understand....it's one thing to admire someone who excels at his/her chosen profession, to pay your hard earned cash to watch them exhibit their talents....but, to worship them? To model you life off of theirs??

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I think that the concept of a role model is not hero worship, but someone whose attributes are worth emulating or striving to attain. Fixation to the exclusion of reason on a individual is not looking for a role model it's parochial groupy-ism. I had a role model growing up..my father, a far better man than I'll ever hope to be...but I like trying to close gap.

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Fixation to the exclusion of reason

This is precisely what concerns me. So many young folks today are more worried about social status (fitting in) than they are about integrity and honest belief (whatever that may be).


Celebrities set the "cool" meter reading....


To me, It's parents, the cop who takes his oath to heart, the priest/reverend/ect who cares not only about is congregation, but all people who need some sort of aid/guidance, the social worker whom is 'in it' solely to help others, and, the teacher who is not politically aligned/motivated but only cares to proved the tools and fact for students to assimilate and decide for themselves.



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With a world flooded with sensationalism it's not hard to see why the clean slate of young minds are so impressed with self centered expansionism of those who promote themselves to the highest degree our society can stomuch.


Ask yourself how much richer our society would be if scientists and teachers gained the same status in the media as athletes and film stars.


What we respect, we pull towrds and what we do not respect, we push away. People have learned far better, how to use their mouths than when to use them and it shows by ho many we see today who flood our world with words and say almost nothing.

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