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City of Giants


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The giants may have had dealings with Dwemer, seem to have a language and culture. got me thinking about if giants may have been somewhat civilized at one point, maybe united under a powerful leader. A city built and still occupied by the last remnants of a civilized giant society would be cool to see. Add on and improve the Giantish skill from Daggerfall to allow for communication. and i still find it strange that there are no females or children of the giant persuasion (aside from other mods) just a mention as i feel it would be important for the immersion of such a city.

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I think the ruined city should be in a mountain like a very big dungeons - that would be cool!


Nords once became friends with Giants

Really? I didn't find anything on the giants reading the LORE. Could you say me where know something about them, and their story; I'm really intersted!

Edited by Elbereth91
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I like the sound of this. It could be like the Giant camps in and around Skyrim, except it could be massive and have primitive kind of-civilised feel to the place. Maybe it could be located in a valley with it's own world space, like Fort Dawnguard. But I do like this idea, maybe the player could have some positive interactions with them, as opposed to making it a huge dungeon.

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Their could even be a series of quests revolving around this "City of Giants" where you can either help the city, preserve it and protect it. Or you could help destroy it, depending on peoples play styles.

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i remember it being speculated once that certain creatures that went extint long ago maybe could have interbreed with humans in real world. kind of like horse and donkey. only thing is mules don't procreate. but maybe this could be something of the giants also. they procreate with human but geneticly only giant males are possible (little skyrim theory).



and i still find it strange that there are no females or children of the giant persuasion (aside from other mods) just a mention as i feel it would be important for the immersion of such a city.

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