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Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul 1.34 b5


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Hi everybody, I hope to find help here.
Please forgive me for my bad english, I'm italian and i hope to write understandably enough :smile:
I have some problems with OOO 1.34 b5. Few days ago I installed it with OBMM (OOO 1.33, than 1.34 beta 5 patch and last 1.34 b5 italian translation patch) and always seemed to work correctly.
Today, after a couple of hours of playing, I notice some strange things, for example the classic potion bottles that give health points, now restore hp instantly when I drink (like in vanilla if i remember rightly) and not in a determined number of seconds like i saw in OOO in past days.
Another strange thing is that Harvest Flora now works only with some plants. Last thing I noticed is that now seems to be easy win a fight and my skills levels seems to grow up more quickly, but maybe it's only a feeling, I don't know. I've tried to uninstall OOO and re-install it, but nothing seems to have changed.

Can someone help me? Thanks :smile:

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