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¿Morrowind basic, medium and advanced "modding guide" link?


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I have some interest in modding this game.


I have not the most minnimal idea of nothing, but i have very much disponible time.


My father is web programer, he can help me in some things, but i need a "guide for idiots".


I search in google for modding guides.


But here, the possible links that you can give me, are bether than the google links.



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If you want, you can message me with queries about specifics I might have, I'll try and check PMs once a week. Morrowind's modding system is very enjoyable to use once you have your head around it, particularly the scripting. If you've done programming before, provided you can find a reference page with most of the scripting language Morrowind uses on (its very similar to BASIC btw) you should be fine with it, in terms of modelling, texturing etc. I can answer some questions about if you have any.


Also, are you Spanish? No worries, just wondering from the topic title.

Edited by Daedthr
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My faves are Mott's Morrowind modding guide and Trainwiz's gameplay modding guide. :thumbsup:


And then there is this insane list (probably the BEST list ever); http://www.mwmythicmods.com/telesphoros.htm :excl:

There is this too that covers all the modding tools you will need--> http://arcimaestroantares.webs.com/suggestedmods.htm :kiss:


Have fun and don't forget to post some pics :woot:

Edited by Psijonica
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