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Can't Manually download as of half of today 25Oct14


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I was able to Download (Manual) FO3 mods earlier and now it gives me a white blank page with a url of http://filedelivery.nexusmods.com/120/73278/(blah...blah...mod).

Maybe its the servers? I tried downloading from FONV and got the same error. Also tried to download from Skyrim which I haven't played...same error. I went to the chat to see if anybody complained...crickets...then to the forums and read about the legacy NMM (from Dark0ne)...Win XP...Google Chrome...yada...yada. I tried to download using Internet Explorer...fail. I downloaded the newest version of NMM Legacy. Still can't Download (Manual). I tried refresh, log-out log-in to NMM and nothing. My OS is WIN XP and I use Google Chrome. My next step is to find a just Super Mutant to kick in the jewels and come back later to my new PC with Win 7 64bit and try downloading from there. Any help would be much appreciated!


P.S. Forgive me if I've done anything wrong and did not follow proper protocol or procedures with this topic or any further traffic that follows.

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Same here. I just tried downloading Shut Up Mjoll (several times), and I was repeatedly redirected to the afore-linked "file delivery page."

Wondered if it was something on my end, or if it was something specific to the mod. Glad to see neither is the case. Hopefully it will be fixed soon...




OK, that's interesting... Maybe it actually *is* mod specific. As a test I just tried downloading the Nameless Light Sword now on the Skyrim section's main page. Two things of note happened:
1. the sword mod downloaded just fine.

2. I received a message box telling me I should endorse "Shut Up Mjoll." Clearly, the system thinks I have downloaded "Shut Up Mjoll," but it is nowhere on my computer. I have my browser set to download everything to my desktop; it's not there. I also ran a search on all my folders. just to doublecheck.. it isn't to be found.

Very odd...


Here's the mod page, incidentally:


Edited by Sonja
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Dragon Age and Dragon Age 2 mods are also being affected (and have been for at least 4 hours). OTOH, several Morrowind files downloaded just fine.


Tried both Chrome and Firefox, no adblocking, Java up-to-date, cleared caches, etc. Even tried installing NMM and downloading that way, and no joy. (At least downforeveryoneorjustme.com says "It's not just you!")

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It is happening to me too on ME3 mods. Something is wrong, but I am sure the Moderators know and are working on it.

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I just got the mod that I've been trying for most of the day. Hopefully the Administrators have this all cleared up with their usual diligence. If so then thank you very much!! As for the rest of you give it another try and see if it's working for you.




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having the same problem getting fallout mods. wee hours of the morning I was maxing out on my download speed even on large files and now 35-40kb/s

plus I got attacked by one of the ads, it wanted me to open an adobe reader and my anti virus went psycho

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I just got the mod that I've been trying for most of the day. Hopefully the Administrators have this all cleared up with their usual diligence. If so then thank you very much!! As for the rest of you give it another try and see if it's working for you.





Yep, got the mod I've been trying to get too.

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