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Curious Missing Master Error, only when using Coninue


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Greetings =)


Encountered something new ( atleast new for me ).

A "Missing Master" Error / Crash when loading recent Savegames or using Continue,

if I however start a new Game and then load those recent Savegames it loads just fine.


FNVEdit didnt come up with any missing masterfiles or Loadorder Issues.

And the error seems to have come up out of nowhere ( didnt install any mods ).


I didnt encounter anything like this before so, I'd be grateful for any help =)


Thanks in advance =)

Edited by Fl1nt
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start new game


load old save game


open console . . . player.kill . . . . let game reload then save the game

exit to desktop and load that save


if you don't use the console or it scares you . . . just drop grenades at your feet until you die, then let it reload and then save the game

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Didnt think of that .

Console's no problem for me, I'd say im fairly comfortable with fnv modding and such. But this is just new =)

i'll report back =)



Though I didnt expect it, this did actually work, thanks a lot =)

Still dont really understand what caused it in the first place though.

And after playing a few hours it happens again.


But Thanks again =)

Edited by Fl1nt
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