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Fellow insomniacs? Or non-insomniacs from different timezones?! Let's be friends! :)


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Haha, hi!


I'm pretty new to the forums, but everyone I've met so far has been beyond amazing. I'd love to meet more beyond amazing people! :')


Although it's almost 3 AM here, I struggle from insomnia and probably won't be going to bed for another few hours.

Anyone else feel like chatting a little?

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Good old insomnia. I think I'm on the rebound from a particularly evil span of it (going to bed around 12, lying awake until 3 or 4) but it's been good for the past few days. I think the main difference is that I've stopped using my phone before going to sleep which seems to have helped a lot.


But somehow, I don't think it will last... :ohdear:


If you're bored, you might want to have a look at The Last Poster Wins thread in the Forum Games section. We don't actually just post, "I win," "No me," "Nuh uh, it is I who defeats you," we just talk about anything random that comes across our minds. :tongue:

Edited by billyro
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Haha hey! Nice to meet ya. : )

& how cool of a thread, I'll be sure to check it out.


Man, I replied surprisingly late to this, but if you're still around, hey! How's your night going?


I'm addicted to my phone, which I'm pretty certain is a huge factor in my insomnia as well - I browse Reddit for hours and hours. I keep telling myself: THIS is the LAST link I'll click...


And then 5068 links later, it's 9 AM. ;P

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Whoops, late reply for me too. I just woke up, actually. 8:18 AM here at the moment.


I can't stop playing games on my phone, which is why I couldn't sleep. :tongue: They're the types where you have to play until your stamina (or some such) gets emptied so none of it goes to waste. An evil, evil tactic on the developers' part. :tongue:

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My late nights don't come from being an insomniac, more along the lines that I'm a natural night owl. Wasn't until just recently that I would go to bed around 10 in the morning, wake up around 5 or 6 PM, then stay awake all night.


If I don't force myself to go to sleep I'll stay up through the whole night either playing games or writing something. Definitely limits social interactions that's for sure :laugh:.

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