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Raider Companion/Quest


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One thing I haven't seen is a raider companion in New Vegas. By that I mean someone like Jericho from Fallout 3. It might go something like this:


Imagine walking through a road when you see an injured and dehydrated man by the side of the highway. After giving him some food, water, and something for the pain he asks to join you on your way to the nearest town. On your way there you encounter signs of raiders with attacked caravans and bodies occasionally littering the road but, as this is commonplace in the Mojave, you pay no special attention to it and when you drop him off at the town's saloon, he stops you and asks if instead he can join you in your travels. When pressed as to why he wants to join you, the man declares that he wants to make a difference in the Mojave, and a positive one at that. Confessing that he is actually a member of the raiders that you saw strewn across the roadside, he says that he can't go on living if it's going to be in regret and obscurity. When asked about the circumstances of your meeting him, he explains that he was the only survivor in a raid gone awry. After the battle he was heavily wounded and used the supplies on the caravan to heal himself to the best of his ability but without proper medical training he was unable to get back to a safehouse before dehydration began to set in. A couple of days later, he met you.


Being the well-intentioned person that you are, you allow him to travel with you and ask what he meant by making a difference. He informs you of a series hideouts he and his gang used as a base for their shakedown operations. He tells you that he would like to wipe his slate clean by eliminating his fellow gang members but first he would like to retrieve the gear he left at the safehouse he was originally going to. After retrieving his equipment, the two of you go from hideout to hideout, killing everyone in the process. At the very last one, you encounter a sturdy metal door to some sleeping quarters that the remaining raiders have barricaded themselves behind and decide that the best course of action is to blow the door open using some explosives. Searching the area, you find some explosive ordinance strong enough to break the door down and after you detonate the charges, you find that all but one of the raiders died from the explosion. Your companion is noticably disturbed by the carnage but only wishes to eliminate his gang once and for all. He finds himself unable to execute the last, heavily injured raider as the scenario reminds him of his own situation several days prior. From there you must convince him to either spare the life of the defenseless raider or to execute them.



This is the idea that I had in mind. Reading over it the plot seems almost cliched with the whole killing his own gang members but if this mini-story at least inspires someone to make a raider companion with a quest like the vanilla companions (as in branching ending with a different reward at the end for each one) I'll be happy.

Edited by JohnPascal
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Well, you'd obviously need to add in the option to execute him (The companion) on sight. I mean, to some Couriers, he'll be just another raider.


The entire questline you've presented is far too linear. You need to give the player some choices in the questline, other than that one at the end.

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You make a great point; killing him on sight should definitely be an option. What else can be included to give this quest more choices? I guess I generalized a little too much by assuming that the player would be the "good guy" so including a completely different path to bring him back to his buddies and join him might be fun. Maybe set his whole gang as a faction and let the player roleplay as a raider for a bit since that's not really an option in the base game. There's something similar with the NCRCF powder gangers but I felt like it was way too short.


Anyway, I'm just throwing out ideas. Feel free to give some input for more quest choices and if anybody reading this decides that he/she would like to make a raider companion (not necessarily even related to this idea) that'd be cool.

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