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far cry 4 and wish list for fc5


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I am half way into fc4, and appears I have wasted $80 and a months worth of download :(

I expected it to be Skyrim standard but its just a revamp of fc3, except for the removal of the tape on the girls nipple, but don't worry they have tattooed over the nipples (thank god for that, we cant have nipples showing on a adult game).

my wish list for fc 5 if they don't go under with this one's bugs and contents is basically a far cry 5 with most of the goodies added from games like Skyrim

1. be able to play as a female or male

2. removable and changeable clothes

3. third person switchable view

4. delete the gross animal skinning

5. delete the pain in the ass body searching

6. option for a male or female voiced companion with a sense of humour (love Sofia in Skyrim)

7. sex and nudity with parental controlled password, unless they reduce the violence and make it pg rated

my reasons for being so harsh is that its 2014 and they revamped their 3 year old game, hopefully most gamers are like me and expect that each year the game is bigger and better and has all the goodies of competitors games.



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