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Setting a timer to an armor enchantment?


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Hi again guys,


I'm trying to set a timer on a piece of armor's enchantment. Let's say for instance the enchantment is not supposed to last more than 10 minutes total real time, only counting time when the armor is equiped, no matter how many times you equip and unequip the armor.


The easy way would be to link the enchantment to soul gems - but I cannot find a way to use that on armor, it seems to be hard coded to only work on staffs and weapons. Or have I missed something?


So I'm going to try and script it - haven't started yet but I was thinking of using an "Int Count" onEffectStart and then measure the time of use onEffectFinish to add them up gradually until it's depleted and I remove the spell. Seems like I'm looking at looping "RegisterForSingleUpdate" here which I'd like to avoid if I can.


Anybody has found a better way?


Thanks :)

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