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Airbourn Killmoves: Dragons Beware


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I just had a nice idea if i do say so myself! I recently re-watched "Beowulf" and the dragon fight ofcause reminded me of skyrim. The whole idea of mounting a dragon to kill it has been done in skyrim. where a killing move consists of jumping onto it's head and stabbing/slashing/smashing it to death from it's own back. I like that kill move a lot :tongue: But what i would really like to see was even more dramatic kill moves! One where the player "mounts" the dragon either graping a hold of it's tail/wing/feet etc. and the dragon takes off to the sky. The kill move will then be a longer "cinematic" event just like the normal kill moves but longer. where the player slayes the dragon in mid-air before it plummets to the ground just like when the dragon normally crash lands! The player would then jump off the dragon or be thrown off it as it hits the ground.

In general i am a sucker for kill moves since i find it a bit more epic when battles end with an awesome decapitation and so on. But since the dragon fights should be Skyrim's bread and butter. I really think it could be nice with a new alternative to the kill moves we have all seen about a 1000 times now.


Best regards, Agnon



Edited by Agnonthewolf
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