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Hello community! I have for the last year payed skyrim as a bard using the amazing "Become a Bard" mod (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=200602183) But even though this mod is so well put together and everything i had this distant memory of somewhere i had seen a familiar idea. Today i recalled! The idea is based on the LOTRO (Lord Of The Rings Online) game. Where the player activates an instrument. when this is done the player looses control over the normaly bound keys and he/she can then use the keyboard as a... Keyboard! Allowing the player to play music real time by typing on the keyboard. (Link to an example of how it's used in LOTRO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XP9sI5Q-m8s#t=21)


I know this is a big request... And it will take one or more VERY talented modders and one hell of a good script to pull off. But i strongly believe that it would be worth the time :D

I really hope some talented modder will take up my idea ^^ Have a nice one!


Best regards, Agnon



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