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Type3 Body Replacer Texture Glitch


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Had exact same issue, fixed it. Could not be a Archive Invalidated issue because I had Succubus race an it rendered fine as well all the other mods that use AI. Turns out it was a bad install of Lings Coiffre which affects the type 3 body (did not overwrite Fallout Character Overhaul/Redesigned3) properly. I mucked around until I uninstalled it completely a few times, then reinstalled it an told it to "overwrite, yes to all". Then that bug disappeared an rendered normally. One of your other body altering mods is conflicting. So since there are so many out there (I got over 7), the only thing to do is uninstall everything that affects body meshes & what not an then reinstall them one by one checking each one as you go for issues. Should be no issues with FCO for me, as long as it does not affect the faces/head in any way, hate to see a NPC with a messed up glitchy head down the road. That's the trouble with these body replacers, nothing to do with load order, it's install order an you have to figure out which mod to install first, an which one can overwrite files of another safely, so pinpointing a problem is a gamble.


For Example I had a nasty "jagged mountains" bug, turned out it was a glitchy AWOP install. I uninstalled it because I could not get it to work properly with my other mods. So when it came to pinpointing the problem with the mods I had, it was a long haul because even when I uninstalled all mods that affected LOD, it was still there. Had to uninstall everything an in vanilla there was no bug, an when I reinstalled everything still no bug, was confused. Doubled checked NVInteriors to make sure the file downloaded 100% (that's a common problem, always make sure to check your file downloads) but they were the right file size. Figured AWOP corrupted my LOD an only a complete uninstall of all everything fixed it.


Conflicts, conflicts conflicts, you can't have it all.

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Hello guys, I have the same problem again, and your links can not be found. What shall I do?

Before posting, please read the date of the last post. If it is over 6 months old, do not add to the thread but start a new one. This is stated in the Terms and Policies, the ones to which you agreed when you joined the site.


Since there are multiple problems and solutions discussed, no one will have any idea what is your problem.

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In case it's not clear, M48A5 is not "blowing you off". We need YOUR details to help. You need to start your own thread and please provide ALL the information requested in the wiki "How to ask for help" article. Don't forget to identify things that do not appear in the "load order", such as NVSE and it's related plugins, texture replacements (specifically their larger image sizes: 1024x1024, etc.), and "post-processors" like ENB or SweetFX.



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