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Author blocking, user area tweaks and general updates


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A quick update today to let you know about a few new features we've added to the sites over the past few weeks.


Author blocking


First up we've implemented the ability to block user's files, images and videos from showing on the site at all for you, much like how our tag blocking system works. If you block an author you will no longer see any new files, images or videos they add on the site whether it's in the hot files, file searches or otherwise.


A lot of our Nexus sites have a lot of files in them now and we're happy to implement any functionality that lets you get more control over the type of content you really want to see and remove the types of content you have absolutely no interest in. As far as I'm concerned, mod authors get upset when users post on their files when it's clear the user has no interest in their work, and users complain at having to see content they have no interest in so, right now, there's absolutely no reason to complain at all.


To block an author simply go to their profile and select the blocking option at the top. To unblock an author go back to their profile to unblock them. We've also created a page for you to quickly see what authors you're blocking and manage your blocked authors from there.



Site news notifications and remove all notifications option


We've added a new notification preference for site news. If you keep it on then the notification system will notify you any time site news, like this one, is posted.


We've added an option in the notifications drop-down to quickly clear and remove all your notifications. You can find it in the bottom-right hand corner of the notifications window.



User area tweaks to account for Premium Membership


We've made some small tweaks to your user area to have a specific section just for Premium and Supporter membership information. At least 50% of the time I spend on support for the site is taken up by Premium Members who message me about things to do with their payments. For example, a lot of it is Premium Members asking me to cancel their recurring payments when they haven't paid via the recurring payment method. By default all Premium Membership payments are non-recurring, as in you pay once and when your Premium Membership expires that's it, no more money is taken and no more Premium Membership time is given unless you choose to pay again. You can choose to set up a recurring payment to the sites that will continually renew your membership as it's about to expire but this is not the default payment option. This is all explained on the Premium page and when paying but I guess some users just forget.


We've added a new section to tell you whether you're Premium, whether you're a Supporter, whether your payment is recurring and how much Premium time you've got left. If your payment is recurring we've provided a Wiki page explaining how you can cancel your recurring payment (it's very easy!). Hopefully this should reduce some support time for me. I doubt it, but you never know!

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On the subject of notifications, it seems that the "X hours ago" text is the same color as the darker gray entries. They also apparently cannot be highlighted, making it impossible to see how long ago those notifications were made. On Skyrim Nexus, they're all lighter gray, but it seems that it alternates on Dragon Age Inquisition Nexus. I haven't checked any other sites to see how it behaves there.
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I was wondering what that block author button was for, I saw it when I was giving a kudos now I know. Thanks for explaining the new notification system by the way, I never saw that icon next to the messages before and when I did I was like "uh-oh what is that, did I accidentally say something to get a warning on my account?" at least now I know it is a harmless news feed.
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