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Armor from Outlander movie


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I've looked all over the forums and nexus and have seen any mention or mod about the armor from the movie Outlander. The armor Kainen (James/Jim Caviezel) wears when he first crash lands on earth is just bad ass and really high tech looking. I've always thought the armor would fit well in the Fallout world, easily as a form of advanced powered armor or full coverage combat armor.


I'd love to post images or links to it but I cant paste anything here for some damn reason and all the images of the armor are over the size limit. If you don't know what the armor looks like all I can say is go to google and type in Outlander movie armor and look for the full black armor James Caviezel is wearing.


Also, if you haven't seen the movie I high recommend it, its good.

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I agree, the lack of outlander armor on the New Vegas nexus is downright disturbing.
Who in their right mind wouldn't want to look this fly?
I'll tell you who, those Redoran S'wits


Edited by TheBlob2
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