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Using Fallout 3 meshes in Fallout NV


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If the meshes are present in FO3 and FNV data (which a lot do) then you're fine.

If they're not, using them would be illegal.


A workaround can be: having your FNV mod set up with places for the FO3 meshes in the folders but WITHOUT having them present in your distribution pack.

You would need to set FO3 as a requirement for your mod to work and only those who have it could use it, provide they move themselves the meshes in the right folders according your indications.

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If the meshes come from the FNV mesh BSA then yes it's legal and you can upload it to the fallout NV nexus. If however you're taking meshes that you took from the fallout 3 mesh BSA and putting them into NV no its not legal. You can of course do whatever you feel like for your personal gaming but you wouldn't be able to upload a mod that takes fallout 3 data and puts it into fallout NV.

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Thanks guys! Seems than I will have to use only standart NV meshes :sad:

excluding dlcs, most, if not all the FO3 meshes are already present in FNV. Some are simply not used.
Yes, I know, but there are still some cool meshes that are not included in NV, for example, ArtDeco buildings, some RowHouses or ParadiseFalls buildings.
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