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Gi'Etan the Forgotten


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MODERATORS Please delete this thread if it's not allowed, I apologize if it's not, if it counts as soliciting or whatever, I'm sorry, the Lounge doesn't have a rules section (or at least that I could find)

Got that out of the way.
So I was an editor for the Facebook page Khajiit, but apparently I wasn't posting the "right" type of content so the moderators kicked me off. So, using the personality I had created as a base, I made my own facebook page. What/who is it? Well, his name is Gi'Etan the Forgotten and he is a Khajiit from Skyrim. What the page is designed to do is pick up off of where I left Khajiit. What does he do? well, it follows my Skyrim gameplay (at very low FPS, I'll admit) and posts mods found on these forums. There may have been a slight increase in certain mods here being viewed, being Duel Weilding 2H weapons, the Furry Age of Skyrim, and the Bandolier Bags. (I am soooo hoping this thread is allowed) I am promoting the Nexus in a way, I guess, so that's good for the Nexus. I post gameplay videos, screenshots, I write the story of my character in his POV, and let the fans decide what happens next based on popular opinion. If you have a Facebook, just type "Gi'Etan the Forgotten" in the search box and you'll more than likely find him.

[crosses fingers and hopes thread doesn't get removed, locked, or deleted]

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