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Game crashes after Elijah finishes talking @ Sierra Madre


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Hello everyone. I'm currently stumped by something. I've played 70+ hours of New Vegas and I've now decided to start playing the DLC. Alas, things did not go as expected. The moment after I walk up to the radio in the Bos bunker and I listen to Elijah talking, the game crashes the moment he finishes talking with me.

I've tried 5 times now and it always crashes. I don't see how, the game hasn't crashed in 70+ hours of gameplay, but it crashes every time I as much as think about entering the damn Sierra Madre.

I tried disabling all my mods, but it doesn't help. Actually without my mods Elijah doesn't even get the chance to finish talking, the game crashes right after the cutscene.

How do I fix this? I paid money for this game and I expect it to work!

Here's a picture of my mod list: http://i.imgur.com/auoAgrM.png

My computer specifications: http://imgur.com/a/LH8nM

I have NVSE installed.

Any suggestions?

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