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Scripting not working.


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I am finding myself with a error on a door script, that is supposed to keep it locked, until the quest is ready.

The odd thing is, this script is a copy of one I have already that is working successfully.


This one, however, shows me the two errors (Left top of the picture) and I cannot figure out why it is doing this. Everything in the script is a match of its original. I cannot figure out what it is that I have wrong in this script.




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Those Eval errors are tricky. First make sure the Journal and scripts all have unique names. and have space between functions and parantheses.


Also, remove the '_' before the journal name. It is known to cause these type oof errors, not always but sometimes. Its better to have the journal names like in the vanilla Journals, may be just "WI_Coldstone"


It is unnecessary to name the script after 'End'. The game stops reading after 'End' anyways.

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On the LeftEval error, from Morrowind Scripting for Dummies:


This error seems to come up when you have accidentally declared a Function as a variable.

The following lines e.g. would produce this error:

short ScriptRunning
if (ScriptRunning "MyScript" == 1 )
Both of the above can also be caused by not having spaces at the proper places. Always leave

a space between parentheses and function calls, variables etc.

If ( OnActivate == 1 ), not if (OnActivate==1). This only causes errors very rarely, but it

sometimes does, trust me.


Edited by Dragon32
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Those Eval errors are tricky. First make sure the Journal and scripts all have unique names. and have space between functions and parantheses.


Also, remove the '_' before the journal name. It is known to cause these type oof errors, not always but sometimes. Its better to have the journal names like in the vanilla Journals, may be just "WI_Coldstone"


It is unnecessary to name the script after 'End'. The game stops reading after 'End' anyways.

I am going to have to say the _WI_Coldstone was the issue.


I tried in vain to seek out and alter everything else BUT the quest name first. When I altered the quest name, both (Had a second one go wrong as well) my scripts went right into working properly. I will never understand how the two scripts worked with other _WI_ quest titles, and not this one in particular. In the future though, the quests will begin with 1WI Vs _WI_.


A many thanks to both of you, for helping in figuring out this issue. It was the only issue in a rather large, 4 journal topic, quest. Which is now completed. :D

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