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Hey was up Elder Scrolls online


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I was very disappointed with it when I played around the time it was released. It was a buggy, bot-ridden, hell hole of a game. The instancing often broke, dungeons were unplayable, and everywhere you went you were inundated with tells, mails, friend requests from gold sellers or forced to compete with bots that could teleport around the map for gathering nodes. Even pvp had a number of exploits. What little did work (main questlines mostly) was not all that impressive.


The skill system in particular was also a bit of an annoyance since you could only have 5 skills and an ultimate available at once, meanwhile normal attacks were too weak and buffing skills needed to remain on the currently active bar... Meaning that if you wanted to use summons or defensive buffs you were usually left with only 1 or 2 active skills to use, restricted by weapon. Changing weapon would, of course, instantly remove all your summons or buffs if they were not present on both bars. Meaning that despite having access to all those skill points, you could only utilize a fraction of them... and usually had to severely limit your flexibility as a result.


That said, the game has been out for more than a year, from what I understand most of the bugs have been fixed and the game reportedly plays well on consoles... I imagine however that the bot issue has only gotten worse with f2p. It's still probably pretty bland as an MMO goes, maybe a few good hours playing through the fan-fiction-esque story quests, but have not seen much else that the game offers once you get over the whole always disappointing nostalgia component (which they seem to be pushing heavily in the new expansion).



Also, the new expansion seemingly requires a new purchase of the game even if you bought it previously... Which really kinda pisses me off considering the $75 I spent buying the imperial edition originally. So admittedly I may be looking at this too negatively, but everything about this game has just left me annoyed, disappointed, and unwilling to even give the game a second chance. Biased as I may be, I would suggest against it despite how few PS4 games there actually are out there. Over this, if you're looking for a MMO you can play on console, FF14 is probably more solid gameplay and much better story, even if it does have a monthly fee.

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