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Is beauty apart of nature or a part of our nature? Is it what we take from a view that makes it precious to us or is it what bring to it, as far as our concepts, needs and desires?

Does the appreciation of beauty come from nurture or by nature?

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Beauty is both a part of nature and a part of our nature.


- Beauty in nature is not as superficial as ours can be, and some people claim that beuaty in nature doesn't exist, but just look at animals looking for a mate. They may not have the same terms, or values that we humans place on beauty...to them its all about the mating game....whose got the strongest body, the bushiest tale, the most shapley muzzle. (ok human's nature of beaty does cross into this, but there is more to it)


- Beauty in our nature is soley based on what we desire, want, and how we were rasiesd. Some features such as being healthy, and being capable of bearing kids tend to be the holdovers of the animal that is within us. and that is the crossover of natural beauty into manmade human beauty nature. The rest of it, looks, prefreances of various "things" is all up to the indivisual's taste, his own nature of beauty as defined by him.

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