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Creation Kit: Detect the Player Cast and Equip Spells with Script


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I'm attempting to create a mod that allows the player to research spells and spell archetypes by casting them, among other methods. However, I have not figured out how to implement a few crucial parts of my mod.


Here is what I have yet to figure out:

-Detect what spells the player has equipped

-Detect when the player casts said spells

-Detect when the player equips a new spell


I have attempted to look at TaichiKid's Spell Crafting, (found here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33598/?) but I wasn't able to fully figure out how his mod detects spells.


I would really appreciate someone explaining how to do this.

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I'll help you.

-Detect what spells the player has equipped

This one's from the Actor script. So you have to initialize the actor first (or the player, in this case) as such:

Actor Property wiseman Auto

wiseman = Game.GetPlayer()

Initialize your spell, too:

Spell Property equippedSpell Auto

Then check if the equipped item on hand is a spell:

if(wiseman.GetEquippedItemType(0) == 9) ; Use GetEquippedItemType(1) for right hand; 9 pertains to the magic spell item type

equippedSpell = wiseman.GetEquippedSpell(0) ;Use GetEquippedSpell(1) for right hand or GetEquippedSpell(2) for voice slot


Debug.Trace("It's not a spell!")


equippedSpell is now the spell that you have on-hand

-Detect when the player casts said spells

You can use an event listener for this.

Event OnSpellCast(Form akSpell)

if(akSpell == equippedSpell)

; essentially means the spell you cast was the equipped spell from a while ago, so do something here



-Detect when the player equips a new spell

Again, you can use an event listener for this.

Event OnObjectEquipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)

if(akBaseObject as Spell) ;essentially checks whether the thing you just equipped is a spell

equippedSpell = akBaseObject as Spell ;essentially sets your equipped spell as the spell that was just equipped by the player



Hope it helps!

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