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"True" Raider roleplay via G.E.C.K.?


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I'm seeking to walk the mojave as a raider.
Actually, let me clarify. I wish to be treated as such by EVERY npc in the game.
Which is to say, I'm not interested in questing, or finishing the story.
I simply want to travel the mojave surviving off the loot of my victims.

I've seen mods that make raiders, fiends, etc. non-hostile to the player. That's a good start, but not enough.
I could just throw on a fiend helmet and murder everything in sight. But that's no fun. I want a challenge.
I don't want to murder an unsuspecting caravan. I want them to know I'm a threat before I even shoot.
I want to be a TRUE member of the raider faction. I want it to trump my player faction every single time.

Is this possible? I've been toying with the factions to no avail.
I've gone so far as to edit the player faction to match that of the raiders and fiends, but that changed literally nothing.
Citizens weren't afraid of me, and raiders still attacked me.
I'd be super appreciative of anyone willing to give me some advice on this subject.

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