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Need a little bit of help with custom silent dialog


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Hi everyone! This is my first created topic on the forums so my apologies about my inexperience. I have a small problem I am hoping someone can help me with or link me to a tutorial. I want to create simple, no in-game actual quest related, just like idle backstory talk to give some personality to my custom NPC follower. But every tutorial I find wants to make it as a in-game quest or with voices, I have no access to voices and I simply want silent dialog to read and add life to my character. Does anyone know of a good video or page with what I am looking for?


Thank you for reading~

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Hello Wolflady,


There's no need to apologize for inexperience or for not understanding some things on your own. Modding is tough even when it isn't so it is all fine.


Regarding your question, I believe that you're a little confused as to what those tutorials mean. They are steering you correctly for what you want to do.


In Skyrim and the Creation Kit, ALL dialogue is handled via quest even if it isn't truly quest dialogue.


If you are going to allow a vanilla voice type to handle the FollowerQuest/Commands, then you only need to set up a quest for your idles. And you would probably want to add under the conditions, one that tells it that the quest can only be used by your follower via the GetsID condition.


You'll also want to go into Misc tab and for topic, select Idles and all of your dialogue for this character will go there.


Regarding the silent dialogue. All dialogue also needs a recording. If you don't do this, the dialogue doesn't know how long to remain on screen and will flash. What you'll want to do is simply record silence. Some people say record the length of silence for as long as it takes you to read the dialogue, but I don't know. For some reason in game, that seemed to cause the text to show longer than I thought so I tend to just wait 2 seconds or so.


Test things out and see what works for you.


I hope this helps you out and of course, if you have any more questions about this, pop it up here and I'm sure you'll get some help on it.

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Oh thank you for this! But actually no I wasn't confused, I knew quests were involved, I meant that most tutorials I seen wanted to actually make a in-game quest, as I said above. They wanted dialog to trigger a quest but that's not what I was looking for. I know most get it confused because it's called a quest but not really, but I didn't, I just had no idea where to start.


Again thank you, I will tinker around a bit more and see what happens.

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Okay. Well, I may not understand quite what you mean if you're just using a follower tutorial such as this one but you basically do what they are saying except you do what I described above and only go to Misc Tab instead of Dialogue Branches like they will want. Then you can follow along with how to add dialogue as it should be similar enough.


This One is helpful but only if you decide to change the vanilla voice too at some point.


If this still proves challenging for you in some way, just let it be known. A decent number of us have struggled with this enough to where we can help out now, lol.

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Okay. Well, I may not understand quite what you mean if you're just using a follower tutorial such as this one but you basically do what they are saying except you do what I described above and only go to Misc Tab instead of Dialogue Branches like they will want. Then you can follow along with how to add dialogue as it should be similar enough.


This One is helpful but only if you decide to change the vanilla voice too at some point.


If this still proves challenging for you in some way, just let it be known. A decent number of us have struggled with this enough to where we can help out now, lol.

Oh goodness, this is perfect! Just what I was looking for! I was able to follow it easily and my follower came out perfect! Now he has a personality, there is much more I want to add like a conversation and questions the player can ask about the NPC, but this helped tons! Thank you again very much.

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Oh, to do that you will need the Dialogue Views tab... at least that is my opinion as it is from this view that it seems easier to manage questions and answers and such. You can even use conditions and script fragments to where certain questions won't be available until the player and the follower have conversed about something specific.


Well, I am sure you'll be able to work it all out and I'm glad I was able to help in some way.


Good luck with your creation.

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Thank you again and yes, I was able to create some conversations like you suggested. I am only having one problem, it's to do with the whole marriage thing. I was able to marry my NPC just fine but he won't ask where we should live. I will have to search the internet more hopefully. It has actually been going along better then I feared.

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