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Simulated Universe Theory and Other Life


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So, I stumbled across an article earlier today about the SImulated Universe theory, where everything we have ever experienced and ever will experience, is part of a simulation. Kind of like the Sims, but on a more advanced level. A way more advanced level. We already have supercomputers that can run basic simulations of up to 14 billion years long in about 30 seconds. That's f***ing crazy.


Imagine what we can do in 50 years. We possibly could simulate the earth being created, every event that has happened, and even the 7 billion individual human minds that populate the world. And it would only take a few seconds. Each mind in the simulation wouldn't be able to tell you it's a simulation, and to them it would percieve that live is moving at a constant pace just as we do. Another theory I came across is that God is really just a programmer, who programmed our world and minds are ran a simulation, yet personally contacted some people to help advance his simulation. Crazy stuff.


But looking at all this, I thought about other life in the universe. Through rough estimates, we can figure there's upwards of 100-200 billion galaxies in our universe, each with billions upon billions of stars, each star with planets orbiting it and those planets with moons. We can't be the only planet with life. There's probably 10-20 billion earthlike planets in just our galaxy, which can support life like ours. But ,we can't descriminate. We have no idea what conditions other forms of live can live in, making the possibilities of life on other planets extremely, undoubteldy likely.


So...why haven't we met any? Humans have an undoubtable fascination for the thing we call Space, and traveling through it, and I would think other intelligent life would too. Intelligent life older than us, possibly. Inteligent life who has even mastered space travel, so why haven't we heard from them? There's some theories out there that there has been intelligent life who have contacted us, telling us that the way we are going won't end well. To back off from space and fix our problems. Again though, theories and speculation. How about you guys? what do you think?


Simulated Universe article -


Edited by GameNation
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We to begin I have to assume you are NOT going with the simulated universe theory (which I find interesting as in about 50 years this is a possibility. Already the laws of string theory say that something does not exist until it is observed so a sim that renders only what is looked at....anyway I digress.)


So some folks DO believe we have already met aliens. However if we indeed have not seen, heard from, etc etc then you ask why.


Simply because the huge amount of time this universe has existed and the amount of distances involved. Having a culture that would be sophisticated enough to have the tech necessary-and not having blown themselves up or were destroyed in some other way...well one could have existed a million times before we got to this place and time. Alternately the massive distances involved and having a technology capable of faster-than-light or as light travel...again....it is a huge and possibly ever expanding universe. We can only look at a very small sliver of time and space at a time. We could easily miss each other.


I think the question is more not, why have we not encountered them but rather do we really want to do it? Many folks assume an advanced technological race would be somehow more peaceful and caring. I am amused by this as we certainly are not any more peaceful or loving. In fact much of our tech comes right out of military spending and ideas. We just find bigger and better ways to kill.


I believe that there are advanced civilizations in our current time. I do not necessarily think they are close enough to be interacting with us on any level. I could be proved wrong tomorrow. I don't know if I want to be though....

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