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Quest Enemy Help?


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I'm just trying to make it where you have to clear Falmer out of a dungeon, and the quest doesn't advance until they are all dead. I'd also like the enemies to not spawn until a certain stage of the quest is hit. But I'm not quite sure how to do this, and the part that is giving me the most trouble is linking the leveled NPC to a quest.

Edited by SteelBlood2
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I'm just trying to make it where you have to clear Falmer out of a dungeon, and the quest doesn't advance until they are all dead. I'd also like the enemies to not spawn until a certain stage of the quest is hit. But I'm not quite sure how to do this, and the part that is giving me the most trouble is linking the leveled NPC to a quest.

I'm sure there is a more efficient way of doing this but here are a few scripts that I have used to increment the number of dead NPCs to advance a quest stage. (I'm sure using an array would be best but not quite sure how to do it I'm not very good at scripting)


First attach this script to your quest


Scriptname FI1Script extends Quest  Conditional { change the script name to whatever you want}

int Property DeadBandits  Auto  Conditional {change DeadBandits to whatever you name your aliases}
{tracks how many bandits are killed}

int Property TotalBandits = 5 Auto  Conditional  { change 5 to the number of aliases you need killed}
{how many bandits do you need to kill?}

function IncrementDeadBandits()
	DeadBandits = DeadBandits + 1
	if DeadBandits >= TotalBandits
		setStage(65) {set this to the stage you want to set}
Then create another script and attach it to your NPCs



Scriptname FI1BanditScript extends ReferenceAlias  {change the script name to whatever you want}

FI1Script myQuestScript {change FI1Script to whatever you name the script you attach to the quest}

Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller)
	; increment dead count
	myQuestScript = GetOwningQuest() as FI1Script {same as above}
	myQuestScript.IncrementDeadBandits() {change DeadBandits to whatever you name your aliases}

Go to the quest stages tab in the CK and in any stage BEFORE the stage you want to set, and in the kmyQuest box use the dropdown to select the first script you created from here. ( ex. FI1Script)


Now your quest stage will set when all the enemy NPCs are dead.


To link the Leveled NPCs to your aliases select Specific Reference and not Unique Actor


To get your enemies to spawn at a certain stage, set them as initially disabled, and the aliases as allow disabled and then in the proper quest stage enable them by using Alias_<AliasName>.GetReference().Enable()


This is just an example of something I have used in the past, you may have to tailor it to your needs.

Edited by Aragorn58
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