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Why would changing the colour parameter of a mesh component change the colour of all other similar meshes?


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The SetScale3D function is how we "distort" the various Long War weapons in order to approximate the different shapes. All of the weapons have their x axis along the barrel, so at least it's consistent :).


The argument is a single Vector. The function I modded for this was XComUnitPawn.AttachItem, and the relevant hex snippet is :



//MeshComp.SetScale3D(m_vTurnInitialLocation)  // apply fixed-point non-proportional scaling
19 00 71 3E 00 00 13 00 00 00 00 00 00 1B ED 6E 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 D5 3B 00 00 16 
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... The main pain would be to update the UI to make space for the extra setting.



Well -- haven't i offered you some indirect solution to somehow "compress" the Customization screen itself where *TWO* columns of independant spinners-sliders are being displayed?

Like this?



If all hell breaks loose, you could stretch your luck with a *THIRD* tricky column... such Font sizing do matter too -- at times.

Yeah -i know-... SWF scripting and HUD stuff, nobody here ever claimed the proverbial UI Paradise (XCom2 unique color+pattern weapons, comes to mind) is easy to reach.


Edited by Zyxpsilon
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