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CBBE HDT BBP/TBBP and XPMS with followers?


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Well, I am a bit confused, and I haven't actually encountered a problem, but I anticipate doing so (though I am not sure). As this confusion is related to mods, I decided that even though I have not encountered a problem, I felt that this section of the forums was the best to post this in.


I'm assuming that if you clicked on this, you probably know what all of the terms in the title mean, but for fluency's sake, I'll put them here:

CBBE- Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition; a female body mod

HDT- Refers to the physics extension made for the Havok engine

BBP/TBBP- (Tender) Breast and Butt Physics; refers to the mod made for HDT in this post

XPMS- XP32 Maximum Skeleton- a skeleton mod

Followers- Generally refers to modded followers in this post




This post mainly contains my concerns about whether or not my current setup will work with followers that have TBBP skeletons. Everything said past this point is my take on things, and may or may not be correct. Please, please correct me if I am incorrect. Even when I say "I know," I don't actually know for sure.


I know that since HDT and XPMS can work together, but are naturally conflicting, I need to delete skeleton_female.hkx in /character assets female/ due to HDT and XPMS both supporting TBBP. This will allow HDT to take over and do the physics work.


Despite this, do followers that support CBBE, XPMS, and BBP/TBBP need to have their skeletons deleted for HDT to work?


I feel that it is possible, seeing as the Succubus Race Perfect Body option in its installer needs CBBE, HDT, HDT TBBP, and XPMS to function correctly.




Here is an example, for clarity's sake. This will probably clear up everything in my question:

The follower Tania the Hermit supports CBBE, TBBP, and XPMS. Despite this, the author makes no mention of HDT.

The author refers to two things that stand out in the "Install and Usage" section.


1) The author says that Tania's body is BBP supported, and she has her own XPMS skeleton. Thus, she needs a skeleton in /character assets female/ that supports BBP as well. Is her skeleton and the skeleton of female vanilla NPCs taken care of by HDT if I delete both her skeleton, and the main skeleton_female? Or, does HDT continue to work for Tania when Tania's skeleton is still present, but skeleton_female has been deleted? OR, does Tania, along with female vanilla NPCs, work with HDT TBBP when both her skeleton and skeleton_female are present? OR maybe none of this works at all, and Tania is incompatible with HDT?


2) The author mentions that TBBP animations need to be installed in the female animations folder. I assume that HDT TBBP takes care of this, since it expands on the Havok engine in order to add TBBP animations/physics. This ties into my questions for 1). Does this mean Tania is compatible with HDT? If so, what do I do with her skeleton file, and the skeleton_female file?


This question expands to followers similar to Tania that may or may not support HDT, but do support CBBE, TBBP, and XPMS.


However, you can say that the big question from this post is "Am I doing anything wrong to make followers compatible with HDT TBBP, CBBE, and XPMS, and if I am, how do I fix that?




I would be forever appreciative if this was cleared up, as I'd like to avoid any mod issues or crashing before I start a new game.


Thank you,

Lukas ~Smexy

Edited by mrsmexythebeast
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Forget bbp/tbbp you don't need it just get these mods.

Get Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE

Get BodySlide 2 and Outfit Studio

Get HDT Physics Extension

Get Realistic Ragdolls and Force

Get XP32 Maximum Skeleton -XPMS

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26800/? (version Groovtama's XPMS Extended)

Install and activate them in that order when activating CBBE chose the slim or curvy body it doesn't mater. Then start up bodyslide 2 and chose ( outfit/body) CBBE BODY HDT and then a preset or use the sliders to make your body then when you are done click build. Once you click build the female skeletons will be replaced and all the females ( your character and all female npc's ) should have HDT. When it comes to followers with there own skeleton install them first and then the above mods then allow the skeleton overwrites. After installing all these mods in this order DON'T let anything overwrite the skeleton.

Remember that to get bounce with outfits you will need some bodyslide hdt compatable outfits.

HDT and Bodyslide conversion for Frigus' Tera Armor Collection CBBE

When getting bodyslide hdt outfits you need to build them using bodyslide 2

filter by group - choose group - tick the boxes - batch build.

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