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Which NPCs should have been companions?


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If you could have any NPC to join you as a companion who would it be?


Here are several of my choices


Joe Cobb the powder ganger who you can help take over Goodsprings. It would have actually been cool having a powder ganger as a companion.


The NCR trooper Kyle Edwards who turns into a ghoul. There should have been an option to have him as a companion if you help him out.


Jean-Baptiste after doing all the dirty work for the Van graffs. Maybe then letting him kill Cass wouldn't be as bad because you'd get him as a companion.


Caleb McCaffery if you spare him and convince him to give you his hat. Though I'd imagine taking him back to the Atomic Wrangler might end up starting a shootout when the Van Graffs see he's alive.


Vulpes Inculta after doing what he asks and proving yourself to the legion. I was surprised there wasn't already a legion follower.

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to be honest i was surprised by the lack of a proper Legion follower myself. though Vulpes shouldnt be your follower simply because he's far too important to the over all plot of the game, but another named Legionnaire would have been cool. honestly there should have been more named characters for the Legion with more side quests like the other factions. the Legion was incredibly boring when i got to their camp the first time.



if i was going to choose people as followers i'd say Old Ben would have been great. the guy just seems boring to me while being very interesting, it felt like there was supposed to be more to him (which if you were wondering there was supposed to be a lot more) and sorta just traveling with him and doing companion quests for him would have been great. i really wanted to hear more about him.


The King or any of the named Kings, honestly i loved the idea of the Kings as a whole but they were horribly under utilized (again just like everything else with Freeside content involving the Kings was cut) i was actually expecting to even get one of the guys to follow me around... but all i got was Rex... who is okay... but he's a dog... who cant talk at all...


Which leads me to the next part your brain. yes your freakin PCs brain that has a male voice whether your a dude or not (some say that was just lazy but let's be honest it was an easy joke that happened to save them money give Bethesda a break). i just wish i could put the brain into Rex or a floating jar or anything so i can go on adventures with my mind. come on dont tell me that wouldnt be fun.


Frank Sinatra... okay technically only one of his songs (one of my favorite ones at that) was in it and he didnt actually show up, instead we got Dean and his annoying three lines. it would have been cool to have the guy in the game, even if you only found like his grave or something. so sorry had to go outside what you were looking for for that.


a member of the Bro Hood... anyone other then freakin Veronica, like one that used a lazer gun or something. not that i dont like Veronica... she's just not interesting to me. like why couldnt we have one of the initiates? several of them had lines but it was limited down to about 4 each. it would have been cool to go through the trials to become a night or a scribe along side one of them. like Melissa Watkins she has this whole thing where she needs to decide to follow her mom and become a knight or her dad and become a scribe, why couldnt we take her under our wing and help her choose?


that's all i got for now.

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Yeah, Legion should have offered a companion as well.

Though seeing he would be hated by the NCR, every place you go to would with NCR troopers would result in a massacre XD


Maybe you get an indoctrinated female Legion slave if you prove yourself to them, instead? Like with Clover in Fallout 3! ^^

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