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GECK Crashes Upon Opening a Weapon


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Hey guys, I'm running Windows 10 and this seems to be an issue at least 2 other people I have found have had and no body has found a solution yet so I thought if I drew more attention to it someone might know. Aaaaaaaaaaanyway basically I open GECK, I load FalloutNV.esm, or maybe FalloutNV.esm with the DLC's, with some mods, setting an active file or not, it really doesn't matter, whatever file I load whenever I try to open any weapon at all it comes up with that "_____ has stopped working, Windows is doing jackshit about it and is going to leave you none the wiser as to why your program crashed" message that we have all come to know and love (by that I mean F*CKING DESPISE :D) and it crashes. Opening armour, keys, books, ammuntion, weapon mods even ALL work, but of course noooo.... the thing I actually need doesn't - weapons. Anyway, if anybody knew the solution and they could post it down below that would be great.

Edited by Bombly
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