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Infiltrate the Dark Brotherhood - a simple mod


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So I'm having this idea about an expanded "Destroy the Dark Brotherhood" quest. But it's really simple and really just uses the already in game quests, vanilla assets, nothing really changes.


Basically, you get to kill the 3 poor souls or Astrid in "With friends like these...", if you kill Astrid, you get "Destroy...", if not, Astrid gives you the Sanctuary pass. Nothing changed until now.


BUT. If you choose kill one of the guys and Astrid gives you the pass, immediately after you get a letter from the courier, in which Commander Maro explains he is aware of your encounter with Astrid, and that if your allegiance doesn't align with the Dark Brotherhood's, you can help him track down a man who is believed conspires against the Empire by trying to work with the DB. If you want to help, find out who this man is, kill him, then seek him ( Commander Maro) at Dragonbridge.


So, until now, all that's changed is you receive a letter through the courier.


You continue the questline as normal, ONLY difference is that when you get to your initial targets, instead of assassinating them, you can go to them, and talk to them. They would look at you, say nothing ( maybe the generic "Yes?", "Can I help you with something?", "What do you want?", just vanilla assets), and you get to say "Someone wants you dead, and I'm supposed to kill you." The only response you get from the NPC is a "..." in subtitles, as to express his shock and keep asset usage down. Then you say "If you don't want to die, leave everything as is and run to Commander Maro in Dragonbridge. Don't tell anyone!" Again, a subtitle "..." or maybe a generic "What?". The last line is "GO! Now." And the NPC starts running. Your journal gets updated as if you assassinated him.


So until now, just an added letter and an added dialogue option.


Otherwise you play the DB quests as normal. UNTIL you meet Amaund Motierre, the guy who wants the Emperor dead. Then, you can choose to kill him. If you do so, your current quest FAILED, and you get a new quest, "Destroy the Dark Brotherhood", from the point in which you're supposed to talk to Commander Maro.


When you talk to him, instead of "A guard sent me. I killed the leader of the Dark Brotherhood", you get to say "I've done as you asked, the traitor was Amaund Motierre, and he is now dead." To which he replies with "Dead? And this is no jest?" instead of "The leader of the Dark Brotherhood? You mean Astrid? Dead? And this is no jest?". And the rest of the dialogue continues as normal.


Then you get to do the Destroy the Dark Brotherhood quest as normal. Cicero and the Night Mother are nowhere to be seen, you just find a note from Cicero saying "You cannot be the Listener. I just know it! I'm the trickster, not the tricked! I'm leaving, and I'm taking the Night Mother away from you and your "friends"! "



And that's it! Really! It's just some dialogue lines and some letters. I would do it myself, but I have absolutely no clue on how modding Skyrim works...



Alternatively, later, as a patch, the mod could be updated with two more quests! Namely, for your brave actions in service of the Empire, you are invited to the wedding you were supposed to crash in the original quest line. Everything runs as normal, but instead of you assassinating Vittoria Vici, you can foil an assassination attempt. If you are quick and observant, you can kill someone trying to assassinate her during her speech. If not, she's assassinated, too bad. All assets used are vanilla, not much is changed.


Apart from that, you can meet the Emperor Titus Mede II. You get on the ship, all NPCs are friendly etc. When you enter in his cabin, there's Cicero in his room, and Titus is telling him what he would originally tell you "And once more, I prove Commander Maro the fool. I told him you can't stop the Dark Brotherhood. Never could." You cannot attack neither of the NPCs, but after Titus finishes his line, Cicero becomes hostile and attacks Titus. If you are quick, you can save Titus and kill Cicero. If not, Cicero kills Titus, and both Cicero and Titus end up dead (unless Cicero kills you too).


If you save Titus, he approaches you, dialogues you and says "Thank you." "Now, on to the business at hand, I suppose, hm?" - these were, originally, his last two lines. He gives you some gold and a necklace that should represent a sort of honorific medal. With this, we exit the dialogue and Titus goes to Cicero's body, kneels to look at it, and says "But so it is with assassins and emperors, hm?" - again, a vanilla line.


Afterwards, you are teleported back to Skyrim, and thats it! No content missed. Everything almost just like in the vanilla, but with a different spin!




Someone, please, PLEASE, make this happen!

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Gotta say when I read the title I thought to myself "sigh, another one of those with a 'simple' request without any clue of how modding actually works". If you got no clue, you cannot assess something as being 'simple' or 'easy to do'.


Anyhow, this is completely different because you actually explained in detail what exactly, and HOW exactly one could make the requested mod.




1. Indeed, I'd say nothing you ask for would be out of this world complicated, though labourious. The most complicated parts would be the scenes (e.g. wedding, Cicero-Emperor).


2. logic nitpicks: why would Astrid send Cicero of all people to assassinate the emperor? lol, I'd suggest Vezeera or whatever he is called.


Also, it is kinda hard to believe that the DB would not know of all your targets until Armaund surviving. Anyway, that's just a nitpick.



All in all, this is how a request should be. Specific and with insight on how to accomplish said goals.

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Gotta say when I read the title I thought to myself "sigh, another one of those with a 'simple' request without any clue of how modding actually works". If you got no clue, you cannot assess something as being 'simple' or 'easy to do'.


Anyhow, this is completely different because you actually explained in detail what exactly, and HOW exactly one could make the requested mod.




1. Indeed, I'd say nothing you ask for would be out of this world complicated, though labourious. The most complicated parts would be the scenes (e.g. wedding, Cicero-Emperor).


2. logic nitpicks: why would Astrid send Cicero of all people to assassinate the emperor? lol, I'd suggest Vezeera or whatever he is called.


Also, it is kinda hard to believe that the DB would not know of all your targets until Armaund surviving. Anyway, that's just a nitpick.



All in all, this is how a request should be. Specific and with insight on how to accomplish said goals.


I am grateful for your reply.

To respond to some of your points... The wedding and Cicero going for the Emperor would happen after you "Destroy the Dark Brotherhood". It is thought like this because I figured those scenes would be harder to script, hence could be added in a patch later. The main mod would just allow you to roleplay being "good" whilst still getting to play some DB quests, until the Amaud part... The wedding and emperor part are just "trying my luck" on my part with the ideas/request, but I don't see them being essential. That is also why Cicero would be the one assassinating the Emperor, he's the only one left (well, and Babette, but maybe she's the one trying to sabotage the wedding, and the way you could foil her attempt is: if you're observant, you'll see blending in with the other children present at the wedding, if you catch her in your crosshair her name will appear. You can go to her, dialogue her and tell her "Babette, with all the guards around, and me knowing who you are, this won't end well for you. Leave while I still allow you, and I better never see you around." And then maybe she casts a poison on you and leaves, but she is not attackable at any point. If that is too bothersome, then just have her leave.


But I digress...


Also, Astrid believing you... Yeah... It is a bit out there, but I think it is an acceptable compromise ( also, if you're afraid of being caught lying - though that doesn't have to be scripted, that's just roleplay on the player's part - you can actually kill your targets and rationalize it as being for the greater good).


But yes, I think players would be more than happy with just the first part, the thing until Amaud, excluding the wedding and the emperor.


Anyway, thanks for the reply.

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