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Mods known to destroy the game


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So i need serious help, i have had some trouble beginning to mod my games but thanks to a couple of nice videos and other instructions i have kind of gotten the hang of it. But recently i started experiencing the game breaking bug in wich i cannot enter the area of cambridge without the game closing down without any error message. Bethesda released a patch in like november wich required you to use the beta patch in order to work around this but now its reocurring for me. Is there any mod i might have downloaded that has caused this to reocurr? General mod/game instability? Help pls.

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No one can even begin to help you figure out what mod, if any, is causing that without you posting your load order.


But to trouble shoot this error disable all your mods, start the game, (you'll get an error message saying the save game relies on some missing files or whatever, just click okay and continue, cause that's normal), go back to the area that causes you to crash and see if it still happens. If it does it's not your mods. But if the problem is gone close down the game, re-enable a mod, start up the game again, and see if the problem is back. Keep doing that until the game starts to crash again. When it does you'll have a good idea of what mod is giving you problems and you can either choose to enable and disable various other combinations with that mod to see if you have a mod conflict issue, or simply uninstall the problematic mod (and any mods that depend on that one to work).

Edited by NikitaDarkstar
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