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Anyone know how to create an X:/ Skyrim drive?

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You'll have to re-install thru Steam, and when it asks where you want to save/store files, pick your new X:\ location. Moving the entire Skyrim install there may or may not work - I've had mixed luck moving Fallout and Skyrim installs like that in the past (most other games in Steam don't seem to care and will just "move").

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Do not install directly in the root folder - it's doable, but undesirable.

That said, you're installing in the Skyrim folder in the root.


With Steam, you can't do it directly. It wants everything in \steamapps\.

What you can do is symbolic-link X:\Skyrim to your Steam folder.


There are two ways to do it:

1) use "mklink /d Skyrim <skyrim steam folder>" in command prompt

2) use a file manager that supports symbolic links. These include:

https://jrfom.com/2015archive/2012/05/23/winln-a-windows-symbolic-link-manager/ - WinLN, created specifically to deal with Steam's dumb folder structure

http://www.farmanager.com/download.php?l=en - FAR, IT pro file manager, use alt+F6 to make symlinks

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Do not install directly in the root folder - it's doable, but undesirable.

That said, you're installing in the Skyrim folder in the root.


With Steam, you can't do it directly. It wants everything in \steamapps\.

What you can do is symbolic-link X:\Skyrim to your Steam folder.


There are two ways to do it:

1) use "mklink /d Skyrim <skyrim steam folder>" in command prompt

2) use a file manager that supports symbolic links. These include:

https://jrfom.com/2015archive/2012/05/23/winln-a-windows-symbolic-link-manager/ - WinLN, created specifically to deal with Steam's dumb folder structure

http://www.farmanager.com/download.php?l=en - FAR, IT pro file manager, use alt+F6 to make symlinks


There's no need for symlinks - you can just tell Steam to use a different install path (during install just select it - its on the first screen you see when you select "Install" for any game). Or you can point Steam at a different folder if you have a pre-existing install (or move Steam to another location if you need space), which has worked reasonably well for me in the past (but it isn't surefire). I've never understood the hysteria about "don't use root folder" and "don't use program files" and "don't use C:\" and on and on when it comes to Bethesda games either - they don't seem to care (I have tried every single option specifically because I've wanted to see "what will happen" and how/why Bethesda games are somehow magically unlike any other application ever designed and need special sanctified install directions - I've yet to see anything deleterious occur). The only caveat is I wouldn't go installing Skyrim (or any other game, application, utility, etc) to C:\Windows (or more specifically, wherever Windows is installed on your machine) because it can potentially cause some issues with dlls and can also be kind of nasty to find specific files that you're looking for.

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