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Object/Form/Base IDs -- How to Find?


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Sort of a newbie question when it comes to these particular things, but so far... I haven't been able to find a definitive answer to my question. ..I've found many things explaining the difference but not quite how I need. Or understand. (Shh, brain.)


Basically... when I open up the GECK for New Vegas, I can expand the Form ID column to see the corresponding number for an item. ... In this case, I want to be able to use the console window to either place an item at me, or just add it to my inventory. (Via the placeatme and additem commands.)


Now... I know the form ID won't work for this because it's not the right ID number as seen by the game itself. And I know that the first two hex digits will need to be the same as the load order for the mod they are coming off of.


So, if my mod is loading at, let's say... 1C... and the form ID of my item is 02000B05... it would really be 1C000B05. ...Of course, as previously stated, this is not a recognized Object ID I could use with the player.additem command in the console.


Wordy round-about-not-straight-to-the-point questioning out of the way... how can I find the Object ID of an item in a mod and get it to work with the player.additem or placeatme codes?

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Sort of a newbie question when it comes to these particular things, but so far... I haven't been able to find a definitive answer to my question. ..I've found many things explaining the difference but not quite how I need. Or understand. (Shh, brain.)


Basically... when I open up the GECK for New Vegas, I can expand the Form ID column to see the corresponding number for an item. ... In this case, I want to be able to use the console window to either place an item at me, or just add it to my inventory. (Via the placeatme and additem commands.)


Now... I know the form ID won't work for this because it's not the right ID number as seen by the game itself. And I know that the first two hex digits will need to be the same as the load order for the mod they are coming off of.


So, if my mod is loading at, let's say... 1C... and the form ID of my item is 02000B05... it would really be 1C000B05. ...Of course, as previously stated, this is not a recognized Object ID I could use with the player.additem command in the console.


Wordy round-about-not-straight-to-the-point questioning out of the way... how can I find the Object ID of an item in a mod and get it to work with the player.additem or placeatme codes?


The object ID appears when you hover your mouse cursor over the Editor ID of the object, in the right-hand pane of the Object Window.


This screenshot doesn't show the mouse cursor, but it is hovering over "OutfitPrewarCasualwear" and you can see how the Object ID pops up. Not the greatest system it lacks cut and paste but it works. Somebody may know a better way.


GECK ScreenShot


The object ID's also show up in FNVEDit, sometimes I find that easier to browse stuff.

Edited by drakeelvin
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I noted that if you hovered for a while it would display an ID tag. But it's the same number as if you were to expand the Form ID category; which in that screen shot is that hidden slot between the Editor ID and the Count categories.
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If you're trying to find the load order corrected formID, I've found that even FoMM doesn't report accurately. So use FNVEdit, leave the settings at default (your entire LO), and let it load, then it'll show you exactly what the LO corrected formID is for your mod.
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EDIT: I think in that case using FNVEdit would be the way to go because it lets you load all the mods in your load order. Wasn't aware the load order changed the ID numbers but that makes sense if you think about it, I've never tried to place items from mods that way now that I think of it, so I guess I learned something new today. Edited by drakeelvin
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I'll give FNVEdit a shot then. Thanks for the tips.


The only reason I'm having to resort to using the console is because some issue, as far as I know, with some of the DLC, has been canceling out anything I add in with the GECK. Detailed here: Honest Hearts and Additive Mods Issue ...


Basically, the edited items I'd placed in the game world and the unique containers I'd dropped in Goodsprings, along with the gathered items from my inventory just up and vanished. Somewhere between completing OWB and installing HH.


I'm hoping another patch will remedy it soon.






Well, for my 'mod', what FNVEdit displays is what GECK has been telling me is the ID I"m looking for, just FNVEdit puts the mod # before it automatically for me. ... I did run across something interesting though. Will put it in the other thread since it's more related.

Edited by Sakugen
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