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Guys who play girl characters


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This skimpy armour whinge about "there aren't enough proper armours for females"... take a look at Immersive Armours. It is the #1 armour mod for Skyrim, and has proper armour in it! The armours that do expose vital organs do so for both genders, so I can hardly think of an excuse to whine about that either.

Though to be fair billyro, that also depends on the body mod your using if you do use one....Immersive Armors doesn't cater to all body mod types....it would be unfair and rude to ask the Modder to change that fact, but it can have an immersion breaking impact if the body mod you use isn't catered to. I use the Favoredsoul myself for male bodies and find the chest exposing vanilla and mod Armors don't fit my Dovahkin so well....Unfortunately for me I do like his chest and back exposed, but the only Armor Mods available for the Favoredsoul Body all have his Mr Happy bouncing around in the breeze too...good for a momentary laugh...but not good for RP, immersion or extended game play...I would like to see that trend change, am trying to work on changing it myself...introduce a variety of Armors for the Favoredsoul.... but with my lack of PC knowledge that's still going to take a while before it eventuates.


For anyone interested the CBBE Body Modder has refit all the vanilla Armors to the CBBE Body in a separate Mod....the link is on the CBBE thread....Use that with an Armor retexture mod and it looks good...:)

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In skyrim it doesn't really matter what gender I play but most of the time I just play with males because they don't have the s#*! armors who have a HUGE weak spot on the chest. OFC it doesn't matter with the skyrim engine(maybe it matters with some mods who check for weak spots and I noticed that I can strike women better down with it then males) but I don't like that when I playing an RPG I want that some things are better then the std action hero crap. I am also playing only in first person because this is an rpg and what the heck I am not a console guy so what .

Games like mass effect , I only play with the female characters because I hate the voice of the male. And to bad there is no fps.

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