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Adult mods


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Look up Slofs sexy Anims. I think that may be what you're after. Won't be downloading it so I wouldn't know firsthand but this is proly what you're after.


Someone already suggested that you search Nexus and that's what a general search provided using the adult/oblivion/english tags.




No thats not what I'm looking for I tried it was just animations. I am looking for some thing of that nature that has to do with game play.




Yes i tried that like I said before and I didn't find any of the files I was looking for.


HENCE!!! the reason for the post.

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Now...if only there where male companions with those kind of options :wallbash:


not that I could find but I did find a lil mod that will make a guy do things to him self.... doesnt ahve any affect on the game but if you are in to that thing what ever floats you're boat

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Keep to the requested topic by being helpful or don't post at all.


bigdog112, when posting such requests such as sex, drugs, politics, religion and such, you are asking for trouble. It might have been best to recommend that responses be sent via PM.


LHammonds (Moderator)

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