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Ore/Plants Faster Respawn?


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Has a mod been created that speeds up the respawn of Ore and Plants to 1 day. I know ore is 30 days right now and not to sure on plants. I'm trying the "Live as an NPC" Idea but with more of a twist.


NPC stuff like start off in a town and never do any quests. eat food 2-3 times a day. sleep at night. get a job to earn a living and work my way from the ground up. maybe buy a house way down the line(Console the house buyable so no quests involved)

I want to be able to sleep and go back to work at the mine for the day. But as it stands right now once Iv mine it all out its gone.


I know I seem really nerdy by this but I love games with a harvest moon feel to them. really hard in the begging and make you work for what you need..... Plus I have some time to kill :D

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Wonder if resetinterior <locationid> will work here, description say it will reset an cell so it should work for an mine, someone talked about an script for ore so ore might be handled different. Plants might be more of an problem as they grow outside and you might not want to reset an outdoor cell. With the CS it should be possible to create and interior cell who is simply an walled garden like an walled city and reset it.
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set iHoursToRespawnCell & iHoursToRespawnCellCleared to 8.

That will change all cell respawn timers to 8 hours.

So, a good night's sleep will be all it takes for ores&plants to respawn.

Note: all mobs&loot will also respawn, and corpses will also be cleared once the cells respawn(their dropped weapons will remain though). You'll have to stay away from the actual cell for 8 hours.


The below mod has the timers set to a minimum of 24 hours, but you can change the values with FOMM's TESsnip to suite your playstyle.

SkyRim Respawn Timescale DeadBody Timers Vendor Respawn by Corepc

Edited by dreamtourist001
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